whats your chameleon doing right now??



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    mud bogs 014.JPG
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right now I'm trying to mate my ambilobes but it seems that they would rather just hang out with each other than do the deed. my vaileds are just chillin out. they are about to get fed hear in a min.
He is doing what I call "tree in the wind" you know when they stalk prey and they do that slow back and forth, back and forth move.

Veileds are basking, Fischers is hiding, Pygmies hunting, Oustalets chilling out...Nosy looking receptive and cute-wanting silkworms!


Boy what a group!!!Exciting pets we have. Why do we keep them? LOL Oh yeah that's right, we just like to spend our money and keep all kinds of bugs.
Butter is basking in the lamplight, stretched out on a vine, with his head resting on a bent over leaf. (he bends them to put his head on !)
They are doing their homework (if they know what's good for them), then the dishes, then it's straight to bed!

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