Whats your cricket enclosure like???


New Member
Hey everyone, got a problem on my hands. Well i use a 10 gallon tub for all my crickets cause i buy like 10 dozen at a time. I try to clean it almost everyday by at least wiping it down, but the smell that comes from it is unbearable!!! I know crickets give off that aroma naturally, but i cant deal with that smell anymore and its getting too cold to keep them in my garage anymore. Has anyone figured out any better ways to get this problem fixed?? I have cut out screens on the sides for the tub and drilled holes on the top for better airflow, but its not helping, just stinking up my room. What does everyone else use and if you have some home made cage or such or have figured something out, please post pics or detail what you did. thanks everyone!!!
Cockroaches. They don't jump, smell, or require cleaning more than once a year, plus they reproduce on their own. Some kinds don't even climb glass.

Also, with eggcrate in the enclosure, you don't need the whole ten gallons. A Large cricket keeper would work just fine. Plus they're lighter.
what are you feeding them/providing for moisture? Dry as possible is best and limits odours. Dead insects give off stinky gases.
An under tank heat source might be solution for the garage? putting the tub inside a styrofoam crate might help too.
Scrupulously removing dead ones does cut down on odor, but doesn't eliminate it completely; we moved ours to the basement in part to segregate them and their odor. Roaches are indeed pretty much odorless. I bought dubias, which don't climb and are actually pretty pleasant, but the big ones are too big for my guys; lobsters are smaller.
Mine is a big plastic toat like th kind you would keep old cloths in i cut out the sides and used fiberglass coated mesh for the side holes and simply hot glued them to the toat then cut out a big top hole out of the lid and did the same and wol-la! Cricket inclosher. some cardbord to hide under is always good to. here is a good site and pic of what im talking about http://www.veiled-chameleon.com/weblog/archives/000258.html The mesh on the top part helps alot i think i did just the sides like you did and just keep lossing them then i cut the top and put the mesh screen on that i also add a small office desk fan about 3 ft. away from there inclosher on low and i have it faceing the sides that i cut out and inplace put screen i also mist them once a day nothing to heavy just like one or two squirts there dosent seem to ever be any smell from mine what you can also do is go get one of those Airwick timed air fresheners and set it near the inclosher and have it go off like once ever 15 or 30min depending on the odor... ;)
Mine is a big plastic toat like th kind you would keep old cloths in i cut out the sides and used fiberglass coated mesh for the side holes and simply hot glued them to the toat then cut out a big top hole out of the lid and did the same and wola! Cricket inclosher. some cardbord to hide under is always good to..:cool: here is a good site and pic of what im talking about http://www.veiled-chameleon.com/weblog/archives/000258.html

You do know they can and will eventually chew through that screen right?
10 and 20 gallon aquarium tanks with mess lids.
I'm keeping 500-1k in them at a time, just gotta clean it when required.
Smell is really only bad directly beside it.

Try using sweet potatoes as they seem to reduce the smell that crickets produce.
I bought a anole starter kit. I dont use the light and it has vents the top and its tall enough the crickets cant jump out. I also put a small layer of organic oatmeal on the bottom and I beleive it helps the odor
you could put a computer fan next to one of the cut outs you have to pull the smell through/out of the tub/provide good airflow. Doing the setup that way was recommended to me by another member on here :)
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