When do male Dubias begin to show wings?


Avid Member
I just recieved my order of 100 dubias from Blaberus, like $30 shipped I believe. They came in all mixed sizes and looked really healthy except I only spotted one male in the whole batch. I am wondering if some of the smaller ones are males and just havn't grown their wings yet.
Wings only come out at final molt. Pretty hard to judge until the very end.

You won't need many males anyway. You want lot's of females.
Awesome... There has got to be more than that one lucky male in there though... I hope these things get breeding quick... I'm tired of chasing crickets around my house.
I started with mixed sizes as well and in like 3 weeks had alot of baby's runnin around the cage.
I love how mellow these roaches are... I also breed Hissers for my Dragons, and I hate that they can climb, and how super quick the little nymphs are. That and It doesn't atter how secure yur lid is... Nymphs will escape unless you bug stop the bin. I told that to the store I was buying my hisser at for 2.99 ea, and they started just giving me all the babies every time I bought roaches... I have been doing that about a month I ended up with about 50 little hissers that are growing great... For Free! One they grow there will be plenty to keep the colony going.
Good question about how to identify a sub-adult male! The only difference I have noticed with the nymphs is that most are oblong while a few are more rounded. I have not had the time to test out my theory but I wonder if the rounded ones are males? I guess it would make sense that the females be more round (wider) for reproduction, at the same time the female also extends the eggs out of her for a period of time and the eggs I have seen while extended were long and narrow.

Or,maybe it has nothing to do with anything!

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