when do u know your ready


New Member
well i have my cage all done now just got my repti sun light and fixure and all my lighting my cage temps with light on up top is 81 to 85 basking spot middle of cage is around 72 and bottom is 68 are theses temps low or good? at night it gets about 63 to 68 i got all my calcium's and malti's my humidity stays around 50 to 60 but the only thing with me i work some times long hours and cant mist all the time just morning and when i get home i made a dripper and would like to get a mist king for my cage but what do u guys think m i ready for a veild cham and should i get a male or femail
sounds about right. Idk about vields, but I think they need a mist king especially if your gone. There's one for about one hundred exactly that should run for 3 minutes every 3 hours. males have more color
All sounds good. How big is your viv? is it glass, mesh, screen? Do you have branches/leaves for climbing and cover? Then you are ready. You don't need the mist king. Have a small water bowl, and mist properly twice a day religiously and you can do it with a good quality hand mister. Use warm water and spray as fine as possible.
If you post a few pictures you might get better advice about your setup.
this is my set up i got pics on other post i built it its 30"Lx24"Dx36"t screen cage i just want to make sure i got everything right be for i buy my first cham
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