When to Start Feeding Every Other Day


I'm just wondering when it's a good time to start feeding a male veiled cham every other day. Napoleon is about 3.25 inches from nose to base of tail. I'm not sure of his age because PetSmart didn't know his age upon arrival (if you have a good guess, I'd love to know!). Here are a few pictures in case it makes a difference, and just because :rolleyes:



Sorry for the picture quality, but the first one is from a web cam and the others are through screen, plus he's right under the basking light.
Napoleon looks like he's about 2-3 mos old. You want to feed him all he will eat per day until he is around 6 mos old and then you can start cutting back :)
Thanks a lot! :) Yeah, he's become a bit of a pig. I just wanted to know ahead of time so he doesn't end up overweight.
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