Where is a good site to purchase a chameleon?


New Member
I am planning on purchasing a subadult (9-12 months, or slightly younger) male Jackson chameleon in a month or so. I currently have a female so I know how to take care of Jackson's. The only sites I have heard of are flchams and LLLreptile.com. I think these are reliable sites, what do you guys think? Any others you would reccomend? All of the pet stores around me do not really take care of their Jacksons that well (housed with other chameleons, glass tank, etc) so I will not be getting one from a pet sore! Thank you guys a lot.
Having recently purchased Jackson's by mailorder from LLL Reptile, I can tell you that they were a pleasure to deal with, the packing was very good and the prices were very good, as well.

You will do best to have everything set up and tweaked for temps/humidity before your cham arrives.

A fecal exam as soon as you get a nice fresh dropping, is a wise idea regardless of who you buy from.
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