Where to find discoids?


New Member
I've been looking to start a colony of discoids since I hear they are legal in Florida and breed easier than crickets, however I can't seem to find people that will ship to Florida or when I do they're out of stock. The only two places I know is Mulberry Farms and Coastal Silkworms which are out of stock, other places I've found say they cannot ship to Florida. Anyone know any other place with disoids that ship to Florida.

They'll also be kept on my patio outside which in summer is around 90+ degrees is this okay? This is the only way I'll be able to keep them lol
It's hard! It's true that it seems like sources are continuously out of stock. But keep an eye out on the classifieds, either here or on Faunaclassifieds.com, and keep checking with feeder sites. It just seems like there is a lot of demand and not a whole lot of supply so it's a matter of finding the deal before someone else does lol
Yeah, it seems the dubias are more popular and abundant, maybe I should move somewhere I can get them lol. I'll definitely keep looking though
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