which is best dripper or mister?


New Member
i have a huge split cage housing 1male and 1 female veiled chameleon i need to know if i should by a mister or a dripper? know here is my idea to mist both sides of the cage im going to lowes and get a spliter for the mister so i can mist both sides at on so i dont have to by 2 misters.....tell me what you think is best for me to do....thanks for the help

names nick
If you have a good misting system and proper drainage, you can use the mister as his main water source. I do it for my panther and he has healthy all white urates. The trick is having it run for a good while to have everything soaked. Thats where the proper drainage comes in.
A dripper, however, never hurts and since my misting system works on a hand valve from my water line, I leave it cracked a bit so it drips every so often. He never goes for it though, preferring to stick around for the misting.
the best recomendation i can give you is to pick up a small 40-70 gph fountain pump, and some fish tank tubing, i use this as a dripper all the time, then every so often turn up the speed of the pump for a good misting. the two good parts about that are is if you already have a mist nozzle it can work as a dripper if running low enough, and there is no limit on the capacity of your dripper/mister
If you have low humidity where you are, a mister may be the better choice. Otherwise, drippers are probably the better choice IMO. certainly I prefer a dripper. My chameleons get 99% of their water from drippers, and it has proved easier for me (excess water is controlled/aimed rather than all over the place, plants dont get over saturated) and better for them (they drink more/better). Its also extremely cheap to make drippers, whereas a quality mister will cost more.
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