Which of these is NOT okay to give to a three-month-old panther?


New Member
Stick insects
Fruit flies
House flies
Farm-raised hornworms
Cultured snails
Field plankton

I know that some of those are supposed to be treats only... but I can't find anything that tells me which ones not to feed to a baby.

If it isn't too large you can pretty much feed anything. I would skip the meal worms, but not because your cham would be too young, but because they are garbage as a feeder for chams. The main thing you want to avoid is feeding too much of the insects with high chitin content, like mealies, supers, the sticks, and mantis. Grass hoppers have barbs on their hind legs that can be problematic so most people just pull them off.
If it isn't too large you can pretty much feed anything. I would skip the meal worms, but not because your cham would be too young, but because they are garbage as a feeder for chams. The main thing you want to avoid is feeding too much of the insects with high chitin content, like mealies, supers, the sticks, and mantis. Grass hoppers have barbs on their hind legs that can be problematic so most people just pull them off.

Thanks for the advice! Is it true that I shouldn't feed him anything that's longer than his head is wide?
I wouldn't feed mealworms to any age chameleon. They have too much chitin, so I have read. I don't know if snails are ok since slugs are not. Anything else as long as the size is appropriate, should be fine. Follow the no wider than the space between the eyes rule, It can be longer than that space just not wider.

Phoenix Worms are good too, especially since they are small in size and high in calcium compared to other worms.
I would use all and any of those listed, except maybe the field sweepings (parasite risk in a young one would be unfortunate). Best if the mealworms are freshly molted and used only occassionally. Might be hard to find hornworms small enough.
There's always exceptions but what Wilfred said is a pretty good rule of thumb.
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