which one should I get?


Which one of these beauties should I get? I have a female ambilobe and I'm looking to get her a male friend. The first one has a almost like a circle around its white pattern. The second one has a reddish white color to him.
Well depends on your prefenace, personally i see more green and blues in the first one and much softer bars. But he is only a baby. I would get the second one only because i think he stands out more, darker bars, deeper colors.... :D but its whatever you like, there both TOO cute!:p
do u know what their sires look like? thatd be a big indicator of what they should look like

Not always though. There was a thread done on here before comparing offspring to sires. Some ended up looking totally unlike the parent while others did resemble the parents . So I am just pointing out that you cannot always go by what the sire looks like. We all want the babies to end up looking like the beautiful parents that are presented to us in their pictures. Let's face it, they are always the creme of the crop and that is why they are chosen as breeders!
Take numero uno! Already getting (his...) colors. Second is nice, but if you want a boy I would suspect the first one is a boy more so than the second one. Shorter nails, more color and a more pronounced head. But its up to you :)
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