Which Plant


New Member
Quick question

Going to get a live plant for my veiled tomorrow but which one should i get
Ive heard ficus are good as are hibiscus?
Any ideas appreciated
Veileds will chew on plant leaves. Ficus do excrete a latex sap that can cause problems if it gets in the eyes.

Scheflera Abricola ( umbrella plant) or pothos are good choices.
Visit B&Q! They sell both large and small Ficus Benjamina (Weeping Fig) and Schefflera (Umbrella plant) as well as Pothos (Devil's Ivy) in their Houseplant section.
I found hibiscus needed outdoor sunlight to do well and suffered more when I tried to rotate them, shedding leaves when returned to the cage. Mine eventually died. I stick to shefflera and ficus (no trouble there so far) and pothos is great. I have one hanging.
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