which to do first..


Avid Member
is it appropriate to mist before feeding in the morning or can they be fed first??? does it really matter???

thanks,, lisa
I like to feed first, give them a few minutes to eat and then mist. Some of the feeders drown when I put them in a wet cage and this way I don't waste any feeders. So far I've bought 36,000 crickets since the babies hatched. :eek:
I like to feed first, give them a few minutes to eat and then mist. Some of the feeders drown when I put them in a wet cage and this way I don't waste any feeders. So far I've bought 36,000 crickets since the babies hatched. :eek:

thanks Jann,
feeding first will work out a lot better for me.

Have the babies had a "hand" at cup feeding or are they still free feeding in their cages???

Normally, when I feed them I put the crickets in a large deli cup. I'll hold the deli cup semi on it side in the cage and allow the babies to each eat 3 or 4 crickets out of the cup. Then I free range the rest in the cage and they hunt them down right away. I've been feeding 3 times a day but pretty soon they can go to twice a day. First thing in the morning I lightly dust their feeders with supplements and give each baby 6 to 8 dusted feeders. I don't dust anymore that day. Then I mist.....this is usially around 8:30 to 9:00. I feed again around 12 noon and then mist around 12:30 or 1, then feed again around 3 or 3:30 and do my final misting around 4:00. Don't feed or mist much after 4:00. You'll want to give the cage time to dry out before bed time and they need several hours under the lights to digest their food. They have been going to bed around 7:45 or 8:00 and getting up in the mornings around 8:00. You may need to gradually change his schedule to fit in with your schedule.
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