Which Worm Has the most nutrition?!


Avid Member
Okay...So where I moved to...Only has a PetCo Ewww....They only Carry...Super Worms, Mealworms & Wax worms...Which of the three worms has the highest Nutrition in them!? I hand feed my girl about 2-3 Supers a day..and she has gutloaded & Dusted Crix to..But for those of you that know about her issues...I like to hand feed her just so I know she's getting enough food in her system! :)

Let me know & Thanks a Bunch!

Superworms are better for treats. Better than the other two choices.......You can also order some goodies on the internet.............
Yeah..We had a couple good Pet Stores in the Valley where we lived..we could get Silks, horns, flies and more...Maybe I can get my Husband to get some he's always over there..."Drives all over for work!" Which would be best Silks or Horns?? I was trying to find something on here for nutritional value in bugs...but I couldnt find anything...But crix are her main diet..but she's on baytril and will be for another week..i want to make sure her weight and everything is good..and that she's getting a good nutritional bug to eat! Thank God she's a good eater! :D I'm also going to pick up some pedilite just to make sure she stays nice and hydrated to...through this process..
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While no expert,

I have read that silk worms will provide ample nutrition for her, some people even use them as staples instead of or alongside crickets. Though they are more costly, unless of course you have a self sustaining source....

Horn worms, while I am not sure nutrition wise are a great source of hydration. If your cham is on baytril you will want to make sure hydration is at its utmost peak, otherwise the body suffers from the ill effects of a very strong drug.

Horn worms are a great way to do this, however they are also expensive.

Sites such as our sponsor Mulberry Farms would be more than willing to sell and ship you either silkies or hornies are a fair price, incase you or your husband have difficulty finding them locally. Petco will never carry either, its too expensive to be a good seller, and too hard to make them self sustaining.

On the other hand, and Good Mom and Pop shop may. It all depends.

Hornworms are easy to get on the internet in pods. They grow faster than silkworms and have a lower die off rate. Excellent source of hydration. Lots of juice in them. Crickets, superworms and hornworms would be a nice recovery diet. Roaches would be excellent if you can (or your spouse) will allow them to be kept.
along the lines of what they all suggested i have found sites that ship silkies eggs with cold packs so you can keep them in the fridge and just take out what you need and hatch them a few days before you need. one sight will also ship pre mixed food made out of mulbery trees so you can grow them as big as you want

that is probably the cheapest way to buy silkies and quite easy considering its fairly cold out right now and you wont have to worry too much about DOAs

nutritionally i have seen pheonix worms with a high cal: phos ratio of aprox 1.5... though some owners say they hav issues with their cham eatting them for whatever reason

I admire anyone who has the patience to hatch out silkworm eggs and grow them to the size an adult size cham can enjoy. I've never done it. I don't even buy small silkworms and try to grow them up. Way to much work for and too easy to kill them. Growing mediums up is something I've done quite a bit.

Phoenix worms are great for small juvies. No point in trying to feed an adult like this with them. They are tiny little snacks. I only use them on little ones.

Are you in the Valley? Have you tried Reptile depot?
I get my dubias and roaches sent to me from a girl in Torrance, do you want her email? [email protected]
You can start your own colony or just keep buying them monthly.:p
I'm over in Oxnard "Silverstrand" we used to live in Simi we went to Reptile Depot all the time when we lived in Simi..but now it's like a hour away... :( Hmm...i had dubias for my adult veilds and they loved themm!! but the big ones are way to big for my female ambilobe, maybe if i get baby ones...how big are the roaches??

Are you in the Valley? Have you tried Reptile depot?
I get my dubias and roaches sent to me from a girl in Torrance, do you want her email? [email protected]
You can start your own colony or just keep buying them monthly.:p
All three of the worms in your original post are bad. I would use superworms, but to answer your question as to the most nutritional worm -

Phoenix Worms

Those are all great, but most chams will prefer one or two over the others.
Atsutane: whats the website where i could buy silkies eggs??? You can really put them in the freezer and use as needed??? Thats awesome!! And it only take a fewdays for them to hatch out?? Let me know that sounds like a good idea!!

along the lines of what they all suggested i have found sites that ship silkies eggs with cold packs so you can keep them in the fridge and just take out what you need and hatch them a few days before you need. one sight will also ship pre mixed food made out of mulbery trees so you can grow them as big as you want

that is probably the cheapest way to buy silkies and quite easy considering its fairly cold out right now and you wont have to worry too much about DOAs

nutritionally i have seen pheonix worms with a high cal: phos ratio of aprox 1.5... though some owners say they hav issues with their cham eatting them for whatever reason
okay so i'll go with the silkies..how about the hornworms could i get eggs and put them in the frig as well and use a needed or no??? This would be the perfect combo for my girl...along with crix...nutritinal and hydration with both these worms..let me know about the hornworms!!!

Thanks everyone for your help!
I'm over in Oxnard "Silverstrand" we used to live in Simi we went to Reptile Depot all the time when we lived in Simi..but now it's like a hour away... :( Hmm...i had dubias for my adult veilds and they loved themm!! but the big ones are way to big for my female ambilobe, maybe if i get baby ones...how big are the roaches??

I can tell you how to get to reptile depot in a half hour from oxnard.......but then again, if you lived in simi, you should know the way??? maybe i just drive fast??
ha..i drive fasto trust me i have 2 unpaid tickets :D going 90 down hill at Olsen Rd...ahh lol...My husband drives all around for wor, i just told him if he's over there to get some silks and horns for me..doesreptile depot still have them? I know the fish store "Exotic Aquarium" down the street used to...we'll be in simi tomorrow maybe we can make our way over there :)
I can tell you how to get to reptile depot in a half hour from oxnard.......but then again, if you lived in simi, you should know the way??? maybe i just drive fast??
Here is a breakdown I got from a website.

Silkworm 43 0.5 0.6 54
Mealworm 60 0.1 1.2 37
Waxworm 73 0.1 0.9 27
Butterworm 73 Highest 0.9 27
Cricket 44 0.2 2.6 50
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