White at night?


New Member
So i understand some chameleons turn their best colors at night, I was so scared when Kaleo turned white. But then I learned it was normal for him, but why white? Is he relaxed?
Levi my nosey be used to turn white and hide away at night, now he goes either lighter or darker and sits in the middle and goes to sleep. Doesnt go white anymore though.
Mine did it only once, but I thought it was odd and took a picture.
I think it's true that they show there best colors at night my ambilobe has completely purple bars at night and his little white streak turns light blue.
Our male Panther does this sometimes....normally when he is relaxed and laid in the middle height of the cage :)

Pretty cool really. I always think it is when he is relaxed and when he isnt soaking up the UV rays.
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