White flaky looking streak on 11mo. old Ambanja body

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Hey everyone, I've started to become a bit concerned about this white coloration on the side of my 11 month old Ambanja. He just had a full shed about a week or two ago. Soon after, I noticed some small white dots on his side that seemed to just be left over skin from the shed and I didn't think much of it. Now it appears as if those dots spread to become a solid line of flaky skin down his body (as seen in photos). It almost appears as if he is about to start shedding, but that doesn't make sense since he just recently did so and his usual time between shedding is about a month and a half. I just recently upgraded his cage from a large reptibreeze to an extra large, so might it be something stress related? I have a 60 watt basking bulb and an 18in. +5 UVB tube lighting the tank with appropriate heat gradation, reptirain mist system and a pothos plant in the cage along with various fake vines and branches. He is fed a diet of crickets gut loaded with repashy bugburger and dusted with calcium most days, calcium +d3 once a week and reptivite twice a month. He is also fed superworms on occasion. Any idea what this could be?? It's not easy to see in the photos but he also looks like his skin is somewhat loose on him.. like he's losing weight. No problems with appetite or drinking either. Feces appears normal consitency, urate is mostly white. cham2.jpg

Looks a bit like paint? First pic I thought shed, but second looks like he's walked past a tub of paint or something?
It's definitely not paint. He's only handled very infrequently and never leaves my hand.. and there are no open buckets of paint in his cage so.... yeah not paint.
I think it is from the shed. If he will let you, take a qtip with some warm ater and rub it. If should come off. I had something like this similar on one of my guys. It was just a line of old shed.
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