Who live in Wasington state?!


New Member
If you do and you breed silk worm or horn worms I would love to buy some from you.
The shipping prices make them way to expensive online :c
Nick Barta......

Hi there fellow Washington members :) Forum member Nick Barta lives in Washington and sells lots of feeder bugs including hornworms. Not sure if he is doing silkworms.....
Is he active?
Im going to pm him rick now c:
Im trying to get more moisture into Pedro's diet.
He doesn't like the spray bottle or dripper to much.
Hopefully he sells silk worms cuz Pedro HATES hornworms.
We are south of Tacoma. We have butterworms you may want to try, if Nick Barta doesn't have worms available.

There are shows in Portland Or. periodically. We haven't gone to any of them yet. Other than that, the nearest in WA is the one in October. Sandy
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