Why did the chameleon cross the road?


Chameleon Enthusiast
All of the ones around here that I’ve heard have been found, have been done so whilst crossing the road, including Lucky. I do hope most of them stay well hidden and avoid capture. Nothing would make me happier than to have some wild chameleons living in the small wild area behind my house. 😃Invasive, yes. But I think there’s plenty of insects to go around.
Why did the Chameleon cross the road? 🤔🤓. To get to Chamela Chameleon's house. You see, Carmelo was found crossing the road.
He was taken to the animal shelter. This internet algorithm kept making his picture popup on my screen. After ignoring the popup for 24 hours, I made a mad dash to the shelter. Moral of the story- sometimes crossing the road is in your best interest!😎
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