Why does he only want wax and phoenix worms?


Avid Member
My chameleon will only eat wax and phoenix worms I have tried super worms silkworms hornworm crickets roaches idk what I should do my female is great eats everything not him he has to be picky. Any ideas

He's healthy all husbandry is correct. I take him out when I can. What are your guys thoughts
Phoenix worms since he could eat them and wax worms just maybe a month ago. Maybe 1 or 2 a day. He's about 6 months now so I'm woundering if his appetite is slowing down. I have had him since he was maybe a month I think he was younger than that about the size of my finger nail him and his sister
Personally I dont think his appetite should slow down in the age of 6month,since the worms are usually addictive to the cham so it probably will take as much time u feed him the worm just to try to switch him to another diet!
Here's his normal colors hard to get a picture of them because I have to fight him back in the cage he has likedto be out since he was small idk if he likes me or likes to be out but he likes to sit on my hat on my head all the time he's a weirdo


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Don't feed him for 2-3 days. The Phoenix worms aren't terrible, but the wax works aren't great. Try introducing other works, such as silks and butterworms, since they are at least better for the chameleon. After 2-3 days, offer roaches, crickets, and other "hard" feeders. If he refuses, offer the better worms, give another break and try the hard feeders, again. If he refuses, offer nothing, but hard feeders, until he accepts. From then on. Offer worms, after he's consumed hard feeders and limit them to once a week or so.
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