why dose she go to the lower levels???


New Member
lately Ive seen my chameleon go the roots of the plant, and she'll just hang around there then she'll go up. I havent seen what shes doing really. dose it mean anything?
It doesn't mean anything at her age.

What are the temps in her cage?

They will move around to find a good temp they like. So if shes hot she'll go lower and if shes cold she'll go higher and find her basking spot.
oh cool, I just cleaned her cage out and she was soooo scared. It was getting dirty so i tried to take her out and shes turned dark green blackish. I cleaned the cage as fast as i can. her Temp is around 75 to 80
It is best if you remove her from the cage, do the work, and replace her in the cage when you ar done. Try not to move her things around. Chams get stressed when the cage has been changed around while they were gone.
I have noticed my cham going to the bottom of the cage too... I usually take that as a sign that he is looking for food. If I feed him, he will eat and then head back up to a higher branch. See if that helps. My crickets usually dig in the soil of my plants and he will sit on the branch next to the plant and wait for a cricket to move around...then he will snatch it up!!!!!
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