Why is my chameleon clawing at its cage constantly?!!!


New Member
We just got a new chameleon and it constantly claws at the cage , we dont know whether it's too hot for him or if he justs doesnt like being in a cage , its pretty a big cage has trees and branches and everything needed , anyone know whats wrong !!?!?We wanna make sure he isnt in pain or anything!
Welcome! This could be anything from normal cham behavior, to him being to hot, to somthing else alltogether. Please fill out this form, and let us see pictures of the animal and its setup, and we can go from there.:)

Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
Location - Where are you geographically located?

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.
My chameleon

Chameleon info:

Chameleon - Its a male veield chameleon one year old and been in our care for about a week and half.
Handling- About twice a day for 15 minutes or so
Feeding- He was eating crickets bout 5 or 7 for a week, now we switched to meal worms about 15 a day.
Supplements- Vitamin C
Watering - Mist bout 4 times a day with luke warm water. The little guy loves being sprayed. And we have no dripper right now i just put an ice cube at the top and he loves that.
Fecal- Dark brown and a bright white, never been tested for parasites
History - He was in a neglected home, but now were trying to make him feel right at home just need help as we just wanna save the little guy.

Cage type- Mesh all around and 19x18.5x23
Lighting - 10 to 12 hours on and an intense basking light 50w by exo terra
Temperature - Day time 80 to 85, night around 65 to 70 measured with a house hold temp gage
Humidity - I just spary the cage down with luke warm water which im hoping right now creates the humidity he needs.
Plants - Fake plants
Placement - On wood desk over floor heater and window above. Top of cage is bout half way up my room wall and forgot to say its in my room.
Location - Im located in Southern Ontario

Thank you soo much!
He should be fine. My male chameleon did that when I put him in a bigger cage. He only did it for a few days after that he stopped. My chameleon doesn't do it anymore
He should be fine. My male chameleon did that when I put him in a bigger cage. He only did it for a few days after that he stopped. My chameleon doesn't do it anymore

This chams set up is not correct.

to the OP.
stop feeding so many mealworms. go back to crickets. mealworms are treats, like 1-2 bugs a week, not a daily feeder.

his cage is too small. which is probably why hes clawing to get out. he needs a 2x2x4 cage now.

supplementes are wrong. stop the C, and use calicum without d3 every feeding, calcium with d3 twice a month, and a multivitamin twice a month.
OR buy repashy all in one calcium plus to use every feeding.

Do you have a UVB bulb for him? If not, you need one. NOW.
get a reptiglo or reptisun 5.0
ok where do i start???? ok. well are you sure its a male veiled?? it could be a female scratching because she wants to lay eggs. handling thats why to much handling for a chameleon they don't like to be handled that much, feeding...well 15 meal worms is WAYYYY to much a day and not a good stable feeder at all he needs to go back on crickets to get the nutrition that he needs. roaches are a good staple too besides crickets. supplements?? what do you mean by vitamin c?? they need calcium with no d3 every feeding a mulitvitam twice a month and calcium with D3 twice a month. Reptical has some good supplements and repashy all in one is very easy its a all in one supplement you just dust on your crickets before feeding. hopefully everything turns out good for the little guy and we can get him the help he needs :)
Shit eh, as we said were brand new at this just trying to do what we need. So I guess ill be back in a couple of hours....I got a bunch of things to grab then. Ill keep you guys updated! Btw thanks alot anything helps i really like the little guy so dont want anything to happen to him
Shit eh, as we said were brand new at this just trying to do what we need. So I guess ill be back in a couple of hours....I got a bunch of things to grab then. Ill keep you guys updated! Btw thanks alot anything helps i really like the little guy so dont want anything to happen to him and hes 100% male as he has the stubs on the back of his hind legs right?
fyi, the calcium without d3 you may not find in a store
so probably have to order it online
personally, i use the repashy all in one (from repashy a site sponsor)
and yes, spurs means a boy.
fyi, the calcium without d3 you may not find in a store
so probably have to order it online
personally, i use the repashy all in one (from repashy a site sponsor)
and yes, spurs means a boy.

petco and petsmart have it with and without d3
ok where do i start???? ok. well are you sure its a male veiled?? it could be a female scratching because she wants to lay eggs. handling thats why to much handling for a chameleon they don't like to be handled that much, feeding...well 15 meal worms is WAYYYY to much a day and not a good stable feeder at all he needs to go back on crickets to get the nutrition that he needs. roaches are a good staple too besides crickets. supplements?? what do you mean by vitamin c?? they need calcium with no d3 every feeding a mulitvitam twice a month and calcium with D3 twice a month. Reptical has some good supplements and repashy all in one is very easy its a all in one supplement you just dust on your crickets before feeding. hopefully everything turns out good for the little guy and we can get him the help he needs :)

Random question. But how are you so sure that he is handling his Cham too much. How much is too much? I have read this but wouldnt that differ from Cham to Cham? #just asking
not at the 5 various ones i have here in MD they dont.

that sucks, they all have them here. but i dont think they have the all in 1.

if ur cham climbs on ur hand without any help i guess it would be fine. but in general only handle them when u must. like taking him/her out to do a full cleaning of the cage.

mine only likes to come out when he wants to take a shower. he hates misting but loves the shower and he has me trained to know when he wants a shower
camimom seems to have hit the high points...

UVB, supplements, and cage size are all wrong.

Where is the scratching? If it is on hte "ground" (and not the sides) of the cage, it is highly possible you have a female who needs to lay eggs...you should post a pic so we can help you ID it.

If it is female it will need a 12" deep bucket of lightly moistened play sand to lay in
I just wannted to commend you for trying to do all you can for this little fella. Keep up the good work !
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