Why is my veiled chameleon always brown?


New Member
Why is my veiled chameleon brown for most part of the day? :confused:
Is something wrong with him? The only times he gets colourful are when he is sleeping, or pissed off. Sometimes, when I sprayed him he used to get green, but now I have changed his cage to one with a waterfall, so I don't spray him anymore.

Age- 6-7months old.
Food- Bugs or worms daily, /w calcium once every 3 days
Lights- One UVB bulb, one heat bulb
Cage Dimensions- 120 cm height, 80cm width, 60 cm depth

The temperature at the top of the cage is around 30ºC, he mostly stays there, and seldom goes on the branches below... Is that ok?


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You should prob get him to vet im not expert but he could be dehidrated waterfall supose to be bad idea cause bacteria a dripper and misting have you seen him drink ? It could be a number of things though
Theres also a number of things wrong with the enclouser such as lights in there he should also be eating crickets dusted with reg calcium no d3 everyday you should prob go through the basic husbandry
Is there enough air flow? He is stressed out about something. Chams don't drink from waterfalls. And they can collect dangerous bacteria harmful to chameleons. You need love plants with a misting or dropper system to water daily. There needs to be proper air flow to reduce respiratory infections. Are you giving proper supplements?

Use the "how to ask for help" sheet and fill it out so we can better help you
HI guys, thank you for your answers! I have seen him drink from the waterfall, and in terms of venting yes, it is properly vented, as almost the whole top part has got a grid-like structure.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon 6-7 months old, have had him for a little over 6 months.
Handling - I rarely do it. Last time I did it was this week in order to move him from his old enclosure to his new one.
Feeding - I am feeding him superworms which i feed with carrots, however, he seems to prefer apple-fed cinerea or blata palida bugs. I feed these to him on a daily basis, as specified, more often bugs than worms as he seems to prefer those.
Supplements - Microcalcium from JBL, once every 3 days.
Watering - I use a waterfall, running the entire time when he's awake, I have seen him drink from it.
Fecal Description - Brown,dark brown when he eats bugs and beige-yellowish when he eats worms, I don't know how to test consistency but pretty consistent. Never tested for parasites.
History - Recently moved him from his previous enclosure, so maybe he is just stressed? When sprayed, he used to come towards the mist and open his mouth to drink, now he seems to be running away.. :confused:

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Glass doors, the rest is made out of a material that sirt of mimics rock, it's rubbery...
Lighting - EXO Terra-Reptile UVB 150, and Phillips 240 V bulb for heating. They are both on from 9:30AM to 9;30 PM
Temperature - Basking spot- around 33ºC, lowest point=24ºC, but that's at the very bottom of the cage, close to the water. Lowest overnight temp, at least where he usually sits is around 26ºC. I measure these temps with a stick-on thermometer.
Humidity - A waterfall is constantly keeping the Humidity levels at around 50%, this is towards the top of the cage, measured using a hygrometer.
Plants - I'm using artificial plants.
Placement - The cage is placed in a corner of my room, not too much traffic, housekeeper comes in 3 times a week, for the rest of time it's just my brother and I in that room, usually 3-4hrs/day while he's awake on avg. However, where we sit is about 5-6m away from his cage. Cage is placed on the floor.
Location - I'm located in Bucharest, Romania.

*The problem has been stated above and you can also see pictures of the enclosure.
Would a skype call help with a better diagnostic?
Let me clarify. Chameleons SHOULDNT drink from waterfalls unless you thoroughly clean them and change out the water daily. Dangerous bacteria can grow in those waterfalls even if you have a filtration system. And the Cham can defecate on the waterfall and contaminate the water. It is best to not use waterfalls. And having mesh only on top might not be adequate enough ventilation unless you have a fan pointed in that direction. And just make sure to monitor your temps in an enclosure like that
Although it is frowned upon regarding the waterfall. If it is cleaned, regularly, etc and your Cham recognises it as a form of water source, I don't see a problem. I personally wouldn't have one, but if it works for you.
I read you'd just moved him into new cage? Even though he knows you, has probably seen you put his new home together etc, it is still NEW to him. Give him some time to get used to his new digs.

As for food, not just crickets, like suggested. A varied diet with the correct supplements and gut loading.
Check out the care sheets on the forum, great help.
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