Wich is better?


New Member
Hi forum. I am preparing the things to have a veiled chameleon so i am gathering everything first to have all ready, but i have a question wich is better to use a fog system or a mist system? and wich do you recommend me?
A misting system, for several reasons.

-Provides drinking water
-Provides humidity
-Provides water to the plants

Fog system:

-Provides humidity
Misting. Its more expensive but it more efficient. Just make sure you go with a reputable one so you arent washing your money down the drain..

And all the foggers we have bought for our frogs havent ever worked right.. Nothing like what the box/picture shows.
www.mistking.com is best. I've heard bad reviews about www.herpmist.com so I wouldn't recommend em.

Using purified water is best, you can set up a misting system directly to a reverse osmosis filter, as tap or spring water can clog up parts of your system over time.

Use BLACK tubing instead of clear, as clear will eventually build up algae.
www.mistking.com is best. I've heard bad reviews about www.herpmist.com so I wouldn't recommend em.

Using purified water is best, you can set up a misting system directly to a reverse osmosis filter, as tap or spring water can clog up parts of your system over time.

Use BLACK tubing instead of clear, as clear will eventually build up algae.

Not to HJ, but why doesnt the black build it up or is it you just cant see it?;)
Not to HJ, but why doesnt the black build it up or is it you just cant see it?;)

It is because clear will allow light in that algae needs to grow, I think.

Also, HerpMist systems are good, they just aren't available right now. ProMist is good as well, as is MistKing. Just don't buy a cheap mister made by Zoo Med or sold as an unknown brand name. I have heard horror stories of rooms catching on fire from a pump running dry or simply overheating. You get what you pay for.

Definitely get a misting system- fog systems are pretty much useless, especially for chams. If you want to raise the humidity without spraying or getting the cage wet, just invest in an ultrasonic humidifier and a timer. Plumb the humidifier mist into your cages with cut PVC. You shouldn't need this though, unless you are living in a very dry climate (Arizona?). You can easily raise the ambient humidity in your cage by lining the back panel with a plastic shower curtain (keep your walls safe, too!) and adding a bunch of live plants. You can also set the misting system timer to put very short sessions in once in a while during the day to maintain humidity levels.
www.mistking.com is best. I've heard bad reviews about www.herpmist.com so I wouldn't recommend em.

Using purified water is best, you can set up a misting system directly to a reverse osmosis filter, as tap or spring water can clog up parts of your system over time.

Use BLACK tubing instead of clear, as clear will eventually build up algae.

Unless you have personal experience with herpmist, I wouldn't knock them with something you "heard". Even if you had a bad experience with them,this isn't the forum to do so.
Yeah, the black tubing is stop algae growing due to stagnant water.

A misting system is considerably better for a veiled.
Definitely want to go with a misting system rather than fogger. A fogger needs stagnant water to produce the fog and that will produce bacteria in your enclosure that you don't want. Also with the mister you can control when it comes on and how long it comes on for, which is a major plus. I built a mister for probably less than $100 bucks and it works great. It is probably too big for the 2 cages I use it for but in time when I expand it will be more than what I need. Good luck with your first veiled, they are amazing creatures and I can almost guarantee you will be wanting more than one as time goes on, and will probably want to try breeding in the future also.
www.mistking.com is best. I've heard bad reviews about www.herpmist.com so I wouldn't recommend em.

Unless you have personal experience with herpmist, I wouldn't knock them with something you "heard". Even if you had a bad experience with them,this isn't the forum to do so.

I agree with you Chuck. Spouting information or recommendations here on "heard" vs. personal knowledge is not reputable and seems to happen very frequently.

I have a mistking system that works very nicely. Just added a few more nozzles for a few more cages. I noticed some of the chameleons don't like the water as much as the others that don't seem to mind it. Everyone seems to like the supplemental drippers though...
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