Will it stink?


New Member
I'm upgrading cages for my cham now that she's gotten bigger and the new cage will be fully screened, unlike the one I have now. I was just wondering if it will make my room smell funny since it will be screened now and what ever smell in there can 'seep' out?? I want her to have a nicer cage, but I don't want my room smelling awful either, lol.I know regular clean up will help make sure it doesn't smell in there, but I didn't know if there was anything unavoidable that I should be prepared for.
it will smell only if you leave the poo to cook under the heat lamp=)
Mine don't smell. Just clean the poo every day and you won't have any issues
If you have real potted plants in it, the drain water can smell quite bad after a while. It's not the poop, cham poop does not smell bad (unless u stick some right under your nose) in general unless it's from a sick cham
My enclosure is right next to the couch and we never smell it. As a matter of fact, I don't really smell the cage when I stick my head in to clean! :)
Other than letting massive amount of poop pile up (or if the chameleon is ill ir has parasites,) the plants tend to be the only other reason why the cage would smell. If the plants are not draining properly and you get a septic-like sewer-y type smell, re pot them in a mix of sand and soil with a few rocks at the bottom of the pots. Otherwise, chameleons dont stink.
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