Woke up one shedding, and the other laying.


New Member
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1407429847.707632.jpg 50 eggs this morning. Found Frita in her bin sitting like a champ. Sure enough there they were at the dead bottom.

Bob looks pretty crunchy this morning as he is starting a shed.

Usually nothing is going on with my reptiles this morning was a nice change. :)

Just curious, is it normal for my female to have such large clutches? Or is 50 eggs normal?
that is a fairly large clutch.

the more you feed and the higher your temps, the more eggs they will lay.

I keep my females at 84 basking, and feed 4-6 bugs every other day.
....Just curious, is it normal for my female to have such large clutches? Or is 50 eggs normal?

It really depends on the species. 50 eggs is relatively normal for a veiled, though still a little larger than desired. If she is a Panther, 50 eggs is A LOT. Either way I would try to limit this in the future by lowering her food intake and dropping her basking temps a few degrees. By doing this you can reduce the number of eggs she produces or even halt egg production entirely.
Her lights are in the very low 80's, and iv been reducing her feeders. Large feeders 3x a week. Her first clutch was 47. I really was only expecting to find 20 or so. She didn't seem that big. However, these eggs are very tiny compared to her last clutch where the eggs were considerably larger.

Maybe much smaller feeders this time around...
It really depends on the species. 50 eggs is relatively normal for a veiled, though still a little larger than desired. If she is a Panther, 50 eggs is A LOT. Either way I would try to limit this in the future by lowering her food intake and dropping her basking temps a few degrees. By doing this you can reduce the number of eggs she produces or even halt egg production entirely.

Halting is what I was going for. I'll try a different route this time around and try smaller feeders every other day verses the large ones. I want her to live longer. She is a veiled. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1407430854.635097.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1407430956.330266.jpg

These were taken not too long ago. Two weeks or three weeks. She wasn't overweight like before.
I found it impossible to halt my veiled, but I did stop it with my panthers.

my veiled girl laid 38 eggs her first time, and 37 her second.

my two panther girls have laid one clutch of 16, and the other hasn't laid anything.

try feeding every two days, 4-6 bugs max.

see how that helps
Oh my, what an exciting morning! I tought Bob looks dull and cloudy when he left here. I'll bet his colors will really look nice since his shed.

How's Frita doing now? Is she eating and drinking? I'd feed her well the next 2 to 3 days and then cut her back. Be sure that she doesn't catch sight of Bob. Just the sight of a male can cause them to start forming a clutch.

He has been rubbing and scraping on this bush all afternoon. It's so sweet watching him. Relaxing too. I really am already attached to him. He has hand fed 4 times now. Sweet baby boy.
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