Woohoo... yay for me.... =)


New Member
So I was looking on craigslist this morning and found someone looking for a beardie. They were offering to trade for some feeder roaches. I emailed him explained that I didnt have a beardie but I asked him how much for a starter colony. He emailed me back and said that he would just give me a small starter! :D YAY i'M EXCITED... WE will see on Sunday how that goes though...
Most people do the tote. get a 20 gallon(good for 1k roaches $6 on sale) and cut a hole the size of a coffee can on the lid and screen it in. Then apply clear packing tape the top of the inside walls to keep the babies in. Then just treat them like crickets.

Here is a really simple/short outline on breeding from a local member:

Yeah what I did is get a good size storage bin which is like (just eyeballing) a little over a foot in height and probably two feet in length. I cut out a rather large square in the top and used hot glue and screen to cover it for ventilation. It works great thus far. And Swaynes guide is awesome and simple and really is a great blog for someone who is beginning with dubia.
Yay tomorrow 14 hours away!!!

Yay tomorrow I get to pick up these roaches... Not sure exactly how many I'm getting but I have 2 questions (paranoid mother i guess need to make sure I have everything right!).

1.) Would these work? They are 100% cardboard that came out of a laptop box I have about 4 of these I believe.

2.) Would a black reptile heat light over the top of a container work? I have no heat pad for the bottom.
I would recommend using the plastic tub instead. I have my dubia in a plastic tub, but idk if they can eat through cardboard lol i would be worried about that to be honest. Not sure about the heat lamp either.
lol ah no they will be put into a plastic tub... was thinking about using the cardboard for hiding places.... cant find any egg crates or anything without paying an arm and leg for them.

My husband thinks that I'm crazy for being excited about getting roachs o_O :rolleyes:
lol ah no they will be put into a plastic tub... was thinking about using the cardboard for hiding places.... cant find any egg crates or anything without paying an arm and leg for them.

My husband thinks that I'm crazy for being excited about getting roachs o_O :rolleyes:

OHHH lmao I am sorry I misunderstood you. Yeah for hiding places I do not see why you couldn't. But If I were you just start baking or making omelets and buying the 18 carton of eggs. I just snake them from my parents fridge lol being a poor college student I totally understand though. Some places charge like hell. And this guy I watch on youtube(tarantulaguy1976) has a dubia video where he says he got 75 egg crates for like 11 bucks. here is his video, his colony is huge lol he is an awesome guy.


Here it is. Check it out.
Hidy places should be stacked vertically so the poop falls to the bottom of the tub, where the babies live in, and eat it.
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