Worm proof feeding cups


I bought a worm proof magnetic feeding cup and left a dubia and a couple super worms in it. He ate the dubia and went to sleep. I woke up this morning and one of the supers was gone. I'm hoping he was eaten rather then found a way to get out. Anyone ever have escapees from one these cups?
He probably ate it. I just use a plastic container that had grated cheese in it and super worms cannot climb out. Some bigger crickets jump out, so I let him free range eat them, since he prefers it.
I thought that he ate all of the calciworms, but the tray probably got wet and I found most of them under the reptile carpet or in the drainage tray. They can climb with the smallest amount of humidity. So I won't try them again.
If the container get's any scratches on it, the dubia and superworms can use the scratches as a grip, and climb out. So if you ever clean your feeding cups, be sure to clean carefully.
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