worms, worms, worms...


Avid Member
as to where to keep them.. fridge or room temp...
and what to slip them as far as food....

no breeding/raising at the moment,,, just optional food sources...

wax worms..
phoenix worms..

thanks,, lisa
butterworms, wax worms in the frig. Don't need to feed them. Phoenix and supers at room temp. Don't need to feed phoenix, but you can gutload supers the same as crix. Hope this is helpful!!:)
as to where to keep them.. fridge or room temp...
and what to slip them as far as food....

no breeding/raising at the moment,,, just optional food sources...

wax worms..

fridge. don't really need to feed them...

phoenix worms..

Room temp, but 'cool'. don't need to feed.


fridge, not tooo cold. carrots


room temp. carrots potatos squash

thanks,, lisa
Its easy to set up a colony of superworms...I use a piece of rotting wood with a soil substrate that is damp in some areas and dry in others in an aquarium with a screen lid. Put a strip of 2" wide clear tape around the top of the aquarium just in case. I feed them the same greens and veggies that I feed crickets. They will live and change to the different stages in this type of setup.

Wax worms can be fed a mixture of bran and honey although their natural diet is the wax, honey and pollen in beehives.

Phoenix worms...
You should try hornworms. I recommend them. They a great for chams. They need to be fed. But all you need to do is buy a hornworm pod which already has enough food in the container for them.
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