
Veild Cham Owner

Avid Member
What worms are healthy for my Cham. I can't fed him supers yet bc he is to small and would probably choke on them. I have meal worms but I know they are pretty fatty. Are wax worms ok? My pet store only carries Supers, wax and meal, kinda annoying.

Edit : wow I am super good at English!! The tittle is supposed to say worms lol
Phoenix worms are small. Wax worm are fatty. In the US we can buy different size supers from micro up to large. Meal worms aren't the best feeders for chameleons either. Are you using crickets? You might find this link helpful. https://www.chameleonforums.com/care/food/
yes i use crickets. I only give him mealworms when he is good (like for a treat) i dont have an wax worms. that's why i was asking. Where could i get the phoenix worms and small super worms bc they dont carry them at my local petstore
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