Worried about Panther's eating habits :(


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon – Panther Chameleon, male, 6 months old. 3 months
Handling – every day for a few minutes
Feeding – That is the problem I’ll explain
Gut loading with dry gut load, different kind of greens, fruits and vegetables
Supplements – Calcium without d3 5 times a week, vitamins and calcium with d3 once every week on day 6 alternating between them. Day 7 nothing.
Watering – have a dripper running approx. 6 hours a day, monsoon spraying 3 minutes 3 times a day (9am, 1pm, 5 pm) and one minute (11am, 3 pm). Drinks every day from a spray bottle.
Fecal Description – Normal color and consistency. Normal white uric acid. Goes every morning after the first misting like a timer. Fecal test done two months ago with no parasites found, but he got his annual deworming and follow up 10 days later just in case.
History – Got him at almost 4 months. He has grown a lot and shed 3 times. Very friendly cham.

Cage Info:
Cage Type – Glass exo terra 36x18x36 with custom air circulation fan running 15 min every 3 hours with controlled speed, blowing air out the cage and in a sport where the cham doesn’t hang out much to avoid air currents that can get him sick.
Lighting – 12 hours of light from 8am to 8 pm for a 36” uvb exo terra 5.0 reptisun, two exo terra 50w basking lights. Also, I added a 18” full spectrum plant light that runs from 11am to 5 pm.
Temperature – One basking site has 85 degrees temp, the other can go up to 95. Coldest area is 75 degrees with some drops in the coldest days, but never lower than 70. Have an automatic thermostat that turns on a under tank heater and ceramic heater when temperature reaches less than 70. Lowest overnight temp is about 68 all over with night settings for thermostat. Temperature is measured with two digital thermometers with probe and one analog.
Humidity – Humidity levels can go between 40% and 90% but most of the day stays 60% and 70%.
Plants – Mostly natural plants with some fake ones. Ficus, scheflera, a few epipremnum and air plants.
Placement – cage located in my dining room and highest point is approximately 65” from ground. Location – I am located in NYC.

The question: Two or weeks ago my cham stopped eating crickets. He sees them and completely ignores them. I use to give him horn worms and he ate one a day for almost two weeks and then started ignoring them, silkworms ate like 4 from a 200 batch, dubias he has eaten like 3 from 100 I got, phenix worms he used to eat like 5 a day for a period of 3 weeks and now is ignoring them, meal worm pupae and beetles he used to eat for a ouple of days and then stopped too. Wax worms he loves but I don’t feed them often. So far all the wants to eat is adult superworms. He goes crazy for them, but if they are not adults he doesn’t eat them. But he only eats one or two a day. There is no way that is enough!! They are big ones, but still. This has been going on for about two weeks. At the beginning he would eat a couple of crickets, but I don’t see him eating them anymore. I just ordered some discoid roaches and butter worms, lets see how much luck I have with them. Something else is that he always wants to be outside his cage. I go open his cage for anything and he runs to my hands and walks all over me. The he starts trying to explore my house. I usually let him for a few minutes and then bring him back to his cage and I can see how he gets bright colors with some red and yellow when he is outside the cage and then he gets darker when I put him back. I was wondering of he is in the search for a female. In the last 3 weeks I have been finding sperm droppings in the cage almost every two days.

He is very active, friendly and looks in good health, but I am starting to worry about how picky he is to eat!! BTW the crickets he used to eat had to be almost adults. He wouldn’t eat any cricket that wasn’t at least ¾ to 1” size. I am attaching pictures.


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Very nice cage, I believe glass cages can be done, but you might have to do a size upgrade soon.

I'm not sure if I saw substrate, but if you have any dirt, take that out asap

:) I think your boy is going on a hunger strike. Sometimes it is simply a matter of waiting. Offer him NO superworms or wax worms (or any fatty worm) until he finally eats something else.

Don't give him superworms for a while after that, and only use them as treats.
Very nice cage, I believe glass cages can be done, but you might have to do a size upgrade soon.

I'm not sure if I saw substrate, but if you have any dirt, take that out asap

:) I think your boy is going on a hunger strike. Sometimes it is simply a matter of waiting. Offer him NO superworms or wax worms (or any fatty worm) until he finally eats something else.

Don't give him superworms for a while after that, and only use them as treats.

Thanks for the response. It used to have substrate, but I took it off. I have a size upgrade almost ready. It might sound a bit crazy, but I am gonna extend the cage going up. I have the idea, measures and suppliers required, but I still haven't decide if I am going to do the extension in glass or mesh. Mesh would be a lot easier but with the crazy winters we get in NY I am not sure that's the best choice. :confused:

I feel bad letting him without eating. I am afraid he is gonna be stubborn and not eat until he gets sick :-/ How long do you think I should leave him without eating? Any other ideas in how to approach a hunger strike? :(
I believe also atfer a point thry start slowing down on eating. Some people just feed every other day. He looks healthy. Hope all returns to normal
has anyone tried jump start from zilla? I was reading that some people give it to their reptiles when they are not eating. Has anyone given this to a cham?:confused:
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