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ok, i have bred and hatched 2 succesfull clutches. Right now i have a heavily gravid and stubborn veiled that is verry big and lumpy. She has been gravid for about 31 or 32 days and has cut down on eating and roams around. I have a laying bin her cage but she doesnt seem interested, ive also tried putting her into a garbage can with about 12 inches of moist play sand, no luck. she roams around everywhere in her cage including the bottom but she doesnt seem to be interested in her bin, today i brought her out to weight her and SHE HAS LOST 3 GRAMS AND HAS NOT LAYED YET! i imagine this beacause she has cut down on eating but she seemed abit weaker but that could be my imagination. Her enclosure is covered up to cut down on stress and to give her privacy. I need some major help, is this normal? what has been your guyses best luck with getting them to lay. pls lots of replies i need all the help i can get i dont want her to get eggbound and have to take her to the vet! Thanks