Worried, Need help


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ok, i have bred and hatched 2 succesfull clutches. Right now i have a heavily gravid and stubborn veiled that is verry big and lumpy. She has been gravid for about 31 or 32 days and has cut down on eating and roams around. I have a laying bin her cage but she doesnt seem interested, ive also tried putting her into a garbage can with about 12 inches of moist play sand, no luck. she roams around everywhere in her cage including the bottom but she doesnt seem to be interested in her bin, today i brought her out to weight her and SHE HAS LOST 3 GRAMS AND HAS NOT LAYED YET! i imagine this beacause she has cut down on eating but she seemed abit weaker but that could be my imagination. Her enclosure is covered up to cut down on stress and to give her privacy. I need some major help, is this normal? what has been your guyses best luck with getting them to lay. pls lots of replies i need all the help i can get i dont want her to get eggbound and have to take her to the vet! Thanks
I tracked the weight of my female quad and she dropped some grams right before she laid. I'm not sure about how long they carry, but maybe She just not ready! You could even try digging a test tunnel and leaving it as is. She might use it and if she is weak, it would help her out a lot!
Maybe someone with knowledge with your type of chameleon will chime in.
Hope all turns out well.

Check out this thread on laying bins. Click Here!

there are some tips on the thread about stubborn females. One tip was it may depend on the type of soil and sand mixture your using.
I would think it depends on the vet and the area that you live in. Don't wait too long or it might be too late to give the oxytocin.
Ok thanks for the help she layed 20 off them, still fells like she has 4 to 6 in her. It took her all night to lay them and this morning she was on the stick which was in the trash can, so I took her out and put her in her cage she ate Accouple crickets and drank allot of water. I will put her bak into the trash can this after noon to try to lay the remaining eggs. The weird thing is I think the eggs are infertile which they shouldn't be as I mated her with a male. But I don't really care if they are because I can always give it another shot it Accouple months or with another female. The eggs are small about the size if a dime and a tiny bit smaller then a penny I will post you some pics later this after noon
Did she fill in the hole after she laid the eggs?
A female can lay infertile eggs after mating if the eggs where too far along at the time of mating IMHO. If you post a photo we can likely tell if they are infertility not....but if here's a possibility of them being fertile I would incubate them until I was sure.
Yes she covered them, it was weird she Doug a huge hole like 8 inches deep layed like 5 eggs in it then covered it and layed the eggs on top. It still feels like she has Accouple of eggs in her has that ever happened to you guys. I will post some pics when I'm not so busy.
my female did the same thing and i ended up losing her unfortunatly

It was my fault i believe, I didnt keep a close enough eye on her nor did i weigh her because she did pretty well with the first clutch, i thought as long as she has a laying bin she would begin going down to it when she was ready. But she didnt, i watched her daily but one day I went to look at her and found she had not been eating or drinking enough, and her eyes were all sunken in and i ran her to the vet, but the vet said it was probably too late and he was right as she passed that night. My suggestion is to do excacly what everyone in here suggests. count the days when shes due to lay, keep an eye on her weight closely and her feeding patterns, and if she doesn't lay in the time allotted go to the vet immediatly, cost is worth it, as now i feel so guilty for not watching her more closely. and i lost her. I will not get another female until i'm sure i'm ready next time. These animals are very sensitive and i've never owned a female panther before so it was all new to me. One good thing that came out of this was I did get a clutch from her and im on month six and they seems to still be growing and doing well. Now i need help on the hatchlings when the time comes.
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