Xanth's and Jacksonii comparisons so far


Established Member
Over the weekend I had just finished up two new DIY enclosures and plumbed them into MistKing setup. Ended up using the old enclosures for a separated pair of Jacksonii and moved my Xanth's into the larger new homes. One thing I've noticed with my Xanth's is that as soon as misting starts they do one of two things, they run for cover, or they close their eyes and let the mist cover them and then they move to the hot spot post misting to dry off and warm up. The two new Jacksonii are a little different being that the female will act like the Xanth's up until the misting stops and then she will just open her eyes and go back to pretending to hide on her bamboo perch. The male on the other hand will sprint to the area where the mist/droplets are falling and somewhat want to go for a good soak and then will go hide in the plants for a bit after. Anyone else have cham's that do this? The male Jacksonii can be seen drinking the droplets on occasion if he angles himself downwards during the misting session as the water beads down him and drips to his mouth, but this is not always guaranteed.

Another thing that I've noticed is that the Jacksonii don't have a death grip unlike the Xanth's. When I handled them to get them into their new homes I noticed that they grip just enough to hold on, where as my Xanth's like to hold on tight and dig their little nails in. Originally, I was worried this might be an MBD issue, but it's consistent between both the male and female which I figured would be unlikely that both have MBD issues.

Feeding is something else these guys differ on drastically. Initially, when I first got my Xanth's I was feeding daily with a mixed feeder diet (Dubia's, crickets and superworms) and had slightly dusted the Dubia's and the crickets with a non D3 calcium. Since I've had them for a month or so now, I only feed them every other day with dusted prey items and they seem to only pick off a few here and there and seem to enjoy the enrichment of letting a few escape from their feeding ranges into the enclosure and end up picking them off later. The Jacksonii on the other hand are voracious. They will hit every cricket or nymph Dubia that is introduced into the enclosure it seems. It might be an age thing too as the Xanth's are about 5-6" SVL where the Jacksonii are only 2.5-3.5" SVL. Are there any issues with feeding both species on the same dusting regiment in the long run? After I get them past their first week (where I feed daily to make sure they are eating and so I can check out their fecal droppings) I was hoping I could alternate feedings to match up with the Xanth's so that they get fed Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday with prey items that have been dusted with non D3 calcium, and feeding twice a month with Repashy LoD dusted prey items.
My T. j. jacksonii do not have a death grip as compared to the panthers I handle on occasion. It may have more to do with their smaller feet. I find the females to be more gentle than the males but that is also probably size related, 30 gm vs 60gm.
My males and some females will do the angle down and collect the run off to drink occasionally. Some of my females like to shoot droplets off of leaves.
Your young juveniles will need daily feeding up to the 9 month to a year mark. They are busy growing and need the calories. Be glad that aren't younger and need twice daily feedings. They will let you know when they have had enough daily feedings by leaving feeders or hunger strikes. I cut their feeding back by half at that point. I use the same dusting schedule as is recommended for xanths. Females appetites may never decrease and will just have to be reduced when the males slow down or you risk obesity and reproductive problems. Calcium w/o D3 can be done twice weekly and only on half the feeders.
Good to know, I need to mix up my feeding schedules anyways.

I generally provide a decent amount of crickets daily, enough for them to stand over their feeding container and peck off and just enough extra to escape and allow them some hunting enrichment throughout the day. I make sure not to let it get too out of hand, as crickets are nasty things that can harm a sleeping Cham at night.

As for the females being gentle, I'd have to agree. My female T. J. Jacksonii barely feels like she's holding on when I had her out, but she's holding on tight enough that she won't be falling off anytime soon. One other thing I forgot to mention is that my male has a personality that I've yet to see in a Cham I've had the pleasure to take care of. He will be sitting and basking and if I open the cage, he will turn towards me and lean forward with his front mits grabbing for me. I know it's not a sign of attachment as that is not a Cham thing, but I found it interesting non the less. He doesn't pace his enclosure at all, but the reaching out grabbing to be provided a new climbing surface is utterly interesting.
This is when they first went in their new homes.


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