Yawning? Or Angry?


Can chameleons yawn? I walked over to check on my boy and he opened his mouth very wide and then puffed out his dewlap very big. I got extremely worried... I was scared he was gaping but it seemed to be just one big mouth open and then puff.. but maybe he just was mad I interrupted his basking time? He got a new UVB bulb yesterday and was really scared about me messing with the top of his cage so he could just be adjusting? I just want to make sure he is okay.. He is back to basking once I walked away but i'm extremely nervous about him opening his mouth when I came over.


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Can chameleons yawn? I walked over to check on my boy and he opened his mouth very wide and then puffed out his dewlap very big. I got extremely worried... I was scared he was gaping but it seemed to be just one big mouth open and then puff.. but maybe he just was mad I interrupted his basking time? He got a new UVB bulb yesterday and was really scared about me messing with the top of his cage so he could just be adjusting? I just want to make sure he is okay.. He is back to basking once I walked away but i'm extremely nervous about him opening his mouth when I came over.
I’d say he was angry, especially if he opened it when you came over and let out air. He is such a handsome boy
here’s my girl begging angry, did it look something like this?
So if he opened it when you came over and let out air, I’d say that sounds like he was angry. You have such a handsome boy
here’s my girl begging angry, did it look something like this?
View attachment 353503
yes it did! usually he will hiss at me as well so I was confused why there was no noise.. but I walked over, he sat up, opened his mouth wide, puffed up like crazy so I walked away and now he's just chilling under the heat lamp.. he is the prettiest chameleon I have ever seen I am so lucky.. i've had him since he was a few months old and the growth is insane to me!


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Mine does this daily, around the same time every morning. Know this because I've got cameras on him that I'm able to monitor while at work. Pre-shed or not. It's normal IMO. Not sure it's a yawn but it's definitely a routine.
One of my guys does it to me just like that at the front of his enclosure standing tall lol and my other does it first thing in the morning occasionally (I think he does it to stretch because he’s a sweetheart). So I’d say normal as well unless you see other concerns with his looks, behavior or fecals. He is very handsome btw! 😍
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