Yay stretch ate about 8 crix right infront of me today :)


New Member
my cham who i never got a chance to see eat, finally ate infront of me today..i was putting the egg carton with the crix in the cage when i realized he was running over to me getting ready to shoot his toungue :) before i even closed the cage he was eating..im so happy
Here's a little blurb from Douglas Adams "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy". I find this very apropos these last few days:

One of the things Ford Prefect found hard to understand about human beings was their habit of continually stating and re-stating the very, very obvious, as in: "It's a nice day", "You're very tall" or "So this is it; we are going to die". At first, Ford formed a theory to account for this strange behaviour. 'If human beings don't keep exercising their lips' he thought 'their mouths probably seize up'. After a while he abandoned this theory in favour of a new one. 'If they don't keep exercising their lips' he thought 'their brains start working'. In fact, this second theory is more literally true of the Belcerebon People of Kakrafoon Kappa. The Belcerebons used to cause great resentment amongst neighbouring races by being one of the most enlightened, accomplished and above all quite civilizations in the galaxy. As a punishment for this behaviour, which was held to be offensively self-righteous and provocative, a galactic tribunal inflicted on them that most cruel of all social diseases: telepathy. Now, in order to prevent themselves from broadcasting every slightest thought that crosses their minds to anyone within a five-mile radius, they have to talk loudly and continuously about the weather, their little aches and pains, thee match this afternoon and what a noisy place Kakrafoon has suddenly become.

I know my brain has stopped working.

so what your trying to say is........ this site is for information not stupid conversation.lol sooooooo linkinpark stop replying so much unless it actually is usefull information.

"question from a member"-My chameleon is green and yellow when sleeping, but dark during the day. why is this? "linkinpark"-hey!mine is too!

that is what not to do.
I don't just do that. I say that sometimes to get sparks going. Mind your business.
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