Yemen with weird sticky tail

I am new to this forum but thought I may and try and get some advice as I can't seem to see any similar problems as what my chameleon has.
I have two Yemens, one female (10 months) and one male( 4-5 months).

Anyways, I have come home tonight and the male (Melvin) has a sticky end of tail, like sticky to touch. It is slightly discolored as well. I have searched on here to find out about tail rot but no-one describes it as being sticky which is what my chams tail is like.

Here is a picture below. Please note that his tail has been slightly kinked at the end since we got him and has never caused him any issues.


Any ideas? I'm thinking as it's sticky he may have burnt it? He has been sitting very close to his light and I tried to move the light a bit further away. I'm hoping to hell that it's not another vet visit as I have literally just paid 400 pounds for the female to have a lump removed from her face!

Edited to add that he is not having any issues curling his tail.

To start-I havent seen this before-but..Id check the cage for any liquid/drainage or other foreign sticky stuff. Alot of plants weep sticky liquid when they are diseased or when a leaf or stem is broken. The tail looks dark at the tip-unless hes always had that Id be a little concerned.

Im sure it goes without saying but if you find the source-remove it.
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