Yet another likely silly question


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I have a 4 month old veiled chameleon, in an 18x12x12 Reptibreeze, no substrate, misted 5-6 times a day currently (you'll understand why). He eats normally, his urates are normal... But he has had 2 rough sheds because I can't keep his humidity over %30 for very long! I live in Canada, so this time of year its getting very dry. I have a ReptiFogger that I'm currently not using for any of my other reptiles because it's extremely loud and obnoxious, and I think it may scare him! I'll be switching to live plants by spring, so what I need to know is if there is a temporary solution to get his humidity to where it needs to be.

Please don't say use a humidifier, that is currently not an option.
As its a repti breeze it's hard but try putting a tarporpine across the back panel to increase the hymidity. Live umbrella plant I find hold the humidity most, also try warm water misting, how this helps

Oh also try putting them on a plant/vine in the bathroom when you have a shower so he can chill in the steam
You may try wrapping a clear shower curtain around three sides leaving the front and top uncovered. That is what I had to do due to the fact that I have my AC on 24/7 and my apartment is dry. You might add a pothos hanging plant also. The leaves are great at holding water and keeping up the humidity. I also have a dripper (I made it by poking a tiny hole in the bottom of a plastic milk jug) that drips onto a pothos leaf most of the day. Hope this helps...:D
I've actually managed to fix the fogger just now, to a point where its running silently and well. I've hooked it up and its working (%65 RH currently), but he's obviously disturbed by it. He's hanging out really low, should I remove it or is there any harm in giving little Karma a day to warm up to it?
If he needs the humidity, and it sounds like he does, then wait for him to adjust. But monitor him very closely. If he stops eating, or shows signs of major stress then I would turn it off.

If you put it on a towel or a piece of foam will that help with the noise? Another thing on humidity. I use a bath towel around my baby cages. When you mist the babies the towel gets wet and helps hold the humidity you. Bad part is having to change the towel daily, to keep it clean.
If he needs the humidity, and it sounds like he does, then wait for him to adjust. But monitor him very closely. If he stops eating, or shows signs of major stress then I would turn it off.

If you put it on a towel or a piece of foam will that help with the noise? Another thing on humidity. I use a bath towel around my baby cages. When you mist the babies the towel gets wet and helps hold the humidity you. Bad part is having to change the towel daily, to keep it clean.

I'm currently using the towel treatment for one of my python's who is in the same house, so that wouldn't be anything out of routine for me to change :) The fogger is pretty much running silently now, but I did turn it off because if its on for more than five minutes, he runs down to the floor of the tank and hides out... Not sure if maybe that's temporary because its new. He also hates being misted as well, but I attribute that to his age and him still not fully trusting me yet.
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