Yet another "Noob Question" Two Parter.. haah sorry!


New Member
Hey i have a 3 month old Male Veiled Chameleon.. Two glass two screen cage. Indoors .. Couple questions!

So the basking area at the top of my cage which is about 12 inches away form the bulb is 90 degrees.. is that good? too hot? too cold? he seems to spend alot of time hanging upside down from the top of the cage which is about 4 inches form the bulb.. im guesssing much warmer then 90 at that area. is this going to burn him? Should i raise up the bulb. it is a 60 W red heating lamp. I also have a 10.0 UVB white bulb running vertically up the side of the cage.

Second question, i take him out in the sunlight for maybe 5 minutes every 2-3 days.. (when i get time, gosh im busy). WIth this minimal amount of real sunlight should i still be feeding him the Calcium WITHOUT D3 in it regularly!? Or should i ante up and use the D3 calcium and herptivite more often then twice a month.

Thank yu very much!
Hey i have a 3 month old Male Veiled Chameleon.. Two glass two screen cage. Indoors .. Couple questions!

So the basking area at the top of my cage which is about 12 inches away form the bulb is 90 degrees.. is that good? too hot? too cold? he seems to spend alot of time hanging upside down from the top of the cage which is about 4 inches form the bulb.. im guesssing much warmer then 90 at that area. is this going to burn him? Should i raise up the bulb. it is a 60 W red heating lamp. I also have a 10.0 UVB white bulb running vertically up the side of the cage.

Second question, i take him out in the sunlight for maybe 5 minutes every 2-3 days.. (when i get time, gosh im busy). WIth this minimal amount of real sunlight should i still be feeding him the Calcium WITHOUT D3 in it regularly!? Or should i ante up and use the D3 calcium and herptivite more often then twice a month.

Thank yu very much!

When they are that age they really are good at hanging upside down aren't they? I use a regular white household light bulb for a heat light. if your cham is hanging from the top, and he may for a number or months yet, I would raise the bulb up. At his age I would not want him to get above 80 - 85. I also run the uvb across the top, I a not sure that makes any difference, it is just what I do.

If he is only out a bit them I would use the calcium +d3 a coupe times a month.

It sounds like you are doing well with him so just relax and enjoy him, he is going to grow so fast you won't believe it.:)
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