Yoshi made friends with his crickets...


We provide our little guy with lots of hornworms, super worms and crickets gutloaded with a variety of wet and dry fruit/veg but despite out best efforts we have never seen him touch a cricket. Then today we notice that it looks like he has basically made friends with them.

Any suggestions as a good replacement or a way to make the crickets more appetising would be much appreciated!


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That cricket "friend" will eat your chameleons eyes out, very slowly, and painfully.

Chameleons don't have friends, don't personify your reptiles.
There are just certain insects that a particular chameleon likes to really likes and there are some chameleons that will just refuse to eat a certain food item.
If he has been eating them in the past he might just be not interested now.
I have panthers that seem to love Dubia then all of a sudden they won't touch them. I'll stop feeding Dubia for a month or 2 then retry and they usually go for them again.
You should switch to another good staple type food for now then try crickets again a little later.
Good luck!!
I don't have any advice but I do see the humor in it :LOL: funny picture. I'm sure you will remove the crickets before they eat his eyes out. ;)
I meant to clarify earlier but had to get to work.
Pinworm apparently can be transmitted/infected by crickets. At the Petsmart I work at we ended up with one bearded dragon who didn't eat all his crickets for a while and somehow caught pinworm from this situation. Fortunately one of the other animal care folks spotted it and we've been treating him for it with some success. Good news is he gets spoiled with extra meal worms 3 times a week.
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