Your YouTube Channel


Avid Member
I searched around the forums a little bit, so I hope this isn't already done. I was hoping to make a thread where our members could post their YouTube channels. So please, if you have a youtube or any other online video service and would like to, post you channel! I think it would be interesting to take a look at them. :)
Thanks Dez, I've seen videos from your figg account over the past few months! I think your "cristatus drinking water" is one of the best made cham videos that I've seen!
Thanks Dez, I've seen videos from your figg account over the past few months! I think your "cristatus drinking water" is one of the best made cham videos that I've seen!

Hey thanks, Thats my husband, Jasons good camera work. Most videos I make are shot with a cheesy digital camera that also takes video (or sometimes even my phone) so the quality is not the best...

The cristatus vid was actually shot with a real video camera.. I would use it more but I have no idea how to take video off the tapes and put it on the computer...
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