zebra silkies

Havn't tried them yet... I heard they are supposed to be heartier... I was going to order some next week... I will let you know what I tink... or I guess what the Chams think.

Please excuse the following OT Outburst: I NEED SILKIES.. Anyone in the 805/818 (SoCal)or willing to meet me close this weekend I would love to buy some surplus from you...Please PM me... All I have is supers, roaches and crickets for the weekend... and all they seem to want right now is silkies! I would highly appreciate it and will compensate you farirly...

Now back to your regularly scheduled thread...
I picked up a few thousand last month
I can tell you right away that the losses I've suffered from
infections and the like have been VERY FEW.
Can't say that about the other traditional silks.
I got some from JC, what, two weeks ago? Haven't lost a single one and will probably feed the last off today or tomorrow.
Zebra silks.

I got 3 shoe boxes full of eggs on the sides floor everywhere they are all hatching aswell but I didnt know that they could hatch if you could put them in the fridge for 3 mnths then take them out and they will hatch mine I breed like the moths lay eggs then die In september then eggs hatch in september the next year but they have hatched earlier and actualy the males are stripped females plain white and youll probably find you have more males than females, WAY MORE.
I have got millions and counting and theres no silkworm chow here Its winter here so theres no mulberry leaves so im using lettuce and they eat but take long to grow, but theyr getting there.
And I get them basicly for free.
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