Happy 5th Birthday Beman and Newbie Inspiration

The Birthday boy this morning... Still so dang handsome even when he has a shed coming on.

Can't believe it's been 5 years, but your progression pics are fantastic, and yet another great tool you are using to help the chameleons in our community. Happy Hatchday Beman and just remember, 5 is the new 3 ;)
Beman is 5 years old now. While I have seen him start to show his age he is still active and eating like a pig. So some of my favorite pics over the years...What an incredible journey he and I have been on together. Although this is one of the most complex animals I have ever cared for I do not regret getting him. The joy he has brought to my life is un measurable. He has gotten me through my low times and made me laugh at his funny antics. But what I did not expect was finding this community or the friendships that came with it. Being part of something amazing and being able to help people has truly become a passion and joy for me. Thank you to all of you that make Chameleon Forums amazing.

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I thought for those of you that do not know me I would share a bit about my journey. My name is Rebecca, I impulse bought Beman for my birthday October 27th of 2018. He was 4 months old and my first reptile. I had no idea the journey this one choice would take me on. I joined the forums November 27th 2018 after lurking. The first 6 months I kept making improvements as I learned more. It was a constant struggle of second guessing myself and what I was providing. Trying to do everything right for fear I would harm him.

This was my progression from October 27th 2018 to current enclosure. As you can see I made mistakes and I spent money on the wrong stuff too. Over the years I kept changing slight details as well.

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So for all the newbies and lurkers here. Please know we all start out somewhere. I hope seeing the progression of my journey will help you and inspire you to seek the answers and help you need from our community. ❤️
Happy belated Birthday Beman you are a very striking and beautiful boy!!! I hope you have many more years with him Rebecca and I just want you to know how appreciated you on the forum. You and many others @MissSkittles being as big of a help as you. Without you both (all) I would not have been able to do any of what I have and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Happy belated Birthday Beman you are a very striking and beautiful boy!!! I hope you have many more years with him Rebecca and I just want you to know how appreciated you on the forum. You and many others @MissSkittles being as big of a help as you. Without you both (all) I would not have been able to do any of what I have and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Awww thank you! Your doing wonderful. I love seeing all the newbies thrive here. It makes the time I spend here worth it. I loved this thread with my progression pictures. It really shows that you grow in this hobby and a lot of us that are active here started out with a cham kit and all the wrong crap lol.
Beman is 5 years old now. While I have seen him start to show his age he is still active and eating like a pig. So some of my favorite pics over the years...What an incredible journey he and I have been on together. Although this is one of the most complex animals I have ever cared for I do not regret getting him. The joy he has brought to my life is un measurable. He has gotten me through my low times and made me laugh at his funny antics. But what I did not expect was finding this community or the friendships that came with it. Being part of something amazing and being able to help people has truly become a passion and joy for me. Thank you to all of you that make Chameleon Forums amazing.

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I thought for those of you that do not know me I would share a bit about my journey. My name is Rebecca, I impulse bought Beman for my birthday October 27th of 2018. He was 4 months old and my first reptile. I had no idea the journey this one choice would take me on. I joined the forums November 27th 2018 after lurking. The first 6 months I kept making improvements as I learned more. It was a constant struggle of second guessing myself and what I was providing. Trying to do everything right for fear I would harm him.

This was my progression from October 27th 2018 to current enclosure. As you can see I made mistakes and I spent money on the wrong stuff too. Over the years I kept changing slight details as well.

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So for all the newbies and lurkers here. Please know we all start out somewhere. I hope seeing the progression of my journey will help you and inspire you to seek the answers and help you need from our community. ❤️
Aw Happy Birthday @Beman !!! <3
those willow branches that weevils came out of.... did you get those from michaels craft store? Were they "ashland" brand?
those willow branches that weevils came out of.... did you get those from michaels craft store? Were they "ashland" brand?
Yes, I got them from Michaels... I do not remember the brand but they were like really long I would say around 7-8feet and a bundle of them tied with brown cord. It was nuts and I was new so I panicked lol. They also turn black with the moisture of the cage which I did not like.
What a beautiful, healthy boy! Still a youngster.

We owe much to him as he was your inspiration to help so many others. It is very, very much appreciated.
Thank you! He honestly has brought me more joy then I ever would have thought a reptile could. And he brought me a community of people I love. I work from home and online so having this community has really made a difference in my level of joy day to day.
Yes, I got them from Michaels... I do not remember the brand but they were like really long I would say around 7-8feet and a bundle of them tied with brown cord. It was nuts and I was new so I panicked lol. They also turn black with the moisture of the cage which I did not like.
oh man do I have some work to do.... :") Im using exact ones
oh man do I have some work to do.... :") Im using exact ones
They might be ok. I might have just gotten the unlucky bundle. As you get more comfortable in this hobby you try other things. I went with the craft store branches because I was scared about what might come in on branches I could get outside. As long as you make sure your pulling from hard woods that do not have sap. No pine, cedar, eucalyptus. And then scrub them down a bit with a bristle brush and hot soapy water. Then rinse the heck out of them and let them dry out. This reduces the risk of bringing in pests.

I got some wood mites that came in on my last ones. The same ones I still have in his cage. They all died off in about 4 months. So you just have to find your comfort level and upgrade stuff as you get there. :)
He’s beautiful! You did a great job searching for the right information and doing right by him! He’s very lucky to have you caring for him :)
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