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I Just Bought A Male And Female Jackson Chameleon Couple Days Ago She Dosent Like Him Or Anything She Is Always Black And Green I'm A New Chameleon Owner I Don't Know Anything About The People Who I Bought It From Didint Say Anything About If They Bred But I Don't Know If She Is Pregnant They Said They Did But She Keeps Swaying Her Body If The Male Is Near Or Anybody Touches Her, I Don't Know How Big She Is Sopoused To Be She Isint Active, The Male Is However I Think She Isint Active Beacause The Male Is In The Cage With Her She Likes To Be With Humans More, The Male Dosent So Much....She Eats Alot
Sounds like you might have gotten in over your head here. You need two cages for two chameleons. If she is pregnant, she will give live birth to her babies who need to be separated into their own cages so she does not eat them. Please read the caresheet you were given and try your best to get them separated and into the proper habitats.
Welcome to the forum!
So glad you've found it, as there are many helpful and knowledgeable people here.

Undoubtedly,, the female will be much better off once she is in her own cage.
Male Jackson's don't take "leave me alone" for an answer and are always looking to mate, so she is constantly under stress by not being able to get away from him.
Once a female is gravid, and it sounds like she is, she does not want contact with a male again until after she gives birth.
Many people don't realize that each Jackson's needs a rather large cage. Each cage should be at least 18" wide x 18" deep x 36 inches tall but a larger cage of 24"x24"x48 is better.
Jackson's chams need higher humidity, lower temperatures and less frequent supplements sprinkled on their food. Too much is as bad as too little when it comes to supplements.
Be particularly aware that the calcium powder to use most often should not contain any vitamin D3.
Overdoses of vitamins make for serious health problems.
Multiple plants will help to keep the environment humid and provide natural hiding places that chameleons need.
Many of us also put plastic sheets on the sides of the cage to help retain humidity.
A barrier---cardboard, a towel, non-see-through plastic----to prevent the chams from being able to see each other will also reduce the female's stress level, as she then will not feel like she has to be constantly on guard against the male.
Her protectiveness is an instinct and is due to the pregnancy.
A variety of nutritious insects, which are themselves fed healthful food are necessary for chams to be healthy--especially for a gravid female.
When the time approaches for her to give birth, she will most likely stop eating about a week or so beforehand.
I have raised numerous Jackson's babies in large 18 x 18 x 24 tall ExoTerra glass terraria, which are made to have the proper ventilation required for pets in high humidity such as Jackson's babies.
Glass aquaria lack the proper design for good airflow and are not suitable for raising babies.
Be aware that Jackson's can give birth to a rather large numbers of babies in one day---typically in the morning.
Given the resemblance of newborn Jackson's babies to small crickets, it isn't surprising when Momma mistakes them for food.
For your chams, I hope that you will carefully read the Jackson's caresheet at: to ensure that you are doing all of the things they need.
All too often, people are given very bad or incomplete care instructions for their chams and the results are tragic.
Please feel free to search past posts for answers and to post more questions.
I am especially fond of Jackson's chams and will be glad to reply to PMs also.
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Thank You

Your So Nice Thank You For Your Help, But I Still Have Some Questions About My Chams, We'll I Really Don't Know If She Is Pregnant Or Not, . I'll Tell You Her Behavior, In The Morning If She Is Sleeping Or Awake She Turns Green Or In The Night Also, She Eats Crickets And Pill Bugs I Belive That's There Name The Insects That Roll Up In A Ball If Scared? I Feed There Those Too She Loves Them And Eats A lot I Think She Drink Water Yesterday Even Tho I Spray The Cage Every Day 3 Times A Day And Droplets Fall From Leaves She Ignores Them Aswell Sometimes The Male But They Drink Water, She Sometimes Opens Her Mouth And The Male Too....I Have No Idea Why, EveryTime I Take Her Out The Cage She Turns A Little Bit Green And Walks Around A lot I Put Her Back In The Cage And She Goes To A Branch And Sits There Doing Nothing, And Yeah...I'm New To This Site And We'll Id Love To Put A Picture Of Her So If Anyone Knows If She Is Pregnant Could You Or Anyone Tell Me How? Then Il Post A Picture Or Her And People Can Tell Me Is She Is Pregnant Or Not
Glad to help someone who cares enough to learn what the chams need.
You can learn a great deal from the Chameleon Care Resources section of the forum and by reading through past posts. It's usually easier to find what you want in past posts by using the search feature in the blue bar above the posts.

If she has been kept in an enclosure with a male it is rather certain that she is gravid.
Chameleons turn a lighter color when asleep.
Mouth opening is also called gaping and it's caused by one of these three things; the cham is telling you to go away, overheating or a sign of a respiratory infection.
Jackson's chameleons are typically shy drinkers and often need to be misted for several minutes before they realize they should take a drink, meaning that you might never see one drinking but it is extremely important to be sure that your chameleons are drinking enough and are in a humid enough environment.

Kidney failure is a common cause of chameleon death and not drinking enough water and/or being kept in too dry an environment can cause that.

This is why many cham owners choose to use a good quality automatic misting system like the MistKing or AquaZamp systems.
Why these 2 ?
Because they are known to be reliable and the cheaper systems have been unreliable.

A variety of insects which have been fed a nutritious diet are the most nutritious for your chams.
More info here here
You are right in calling those bugs pill bugs, which is one common name for them. You'll also see them referred to as Isopods and some other names.
You do need to be extremely careful with wild insects, in case your neighbor or family is using chemicals to try to kill bugs which can harm your chameleon and some wild insects are known to often contain parasites which can harm your cham.

Jackson's cham owners should be aware that care of Jackson's and other " montane " chameleon species require care that is a little different than Veileds and Panthers need--especially with more humidity and less frequent vitamin dusting.
The Jackson's Care section of the Resources here has all the details and there are also some good general chameleon FAQs in that section
It is good to read through the resources section ( found at the tab above the forum posts) and also carefully read the care pages for whichever species of chameleon you are caring for.

We'll I Am Very Sad That It Could Maybe Be Respiratory Infection I Just Went Downstairs To Mist The Cage And She Was Drinking Water Since I Have A Spray Bottle She Drinks From It Too So I Just Did That And We'll Still The Same Color, I Looked Up At The Male And Saw Something He Had White Around His Nose And His Head On One Part I Don't Really Know What It Is Beacause Yesterday He Didint Have That So I'm Also Worried, Do You Know The Signs Of Pregnancy For Jackson Chams?
Don't stress out just yet

Just because a respiratory infection CAN cause gaping it does not mean that that IS the cause.
As I said earlier, she may be gaping to tell you to go away or she may be too warm.
What is the temperature in her cage and what is the temperature on the branch where she is basking?

Also, a chameleon who is eager to get out of an enclosure where she lives with another chameleon is telling you in the only way she can that she needs to be in her own enclosure, alone.

White deposits around the nostrils are not a cause for concern. They are typically just excess minerals and there is no reason to change anything.
It can also be that he is beginning a shed, which is something normal that all chameleons do from time to time.

The signs of pregnancy in Jackson's are color change, steadily gaining weight and acting defensive.
That does not mean that a color change and defensive behavior are absolute indications of pregnancy.
When chameleons are stressed, they change to a stress coloration.

When you use the forum search feature you can find very helpful past posts like this one which has pictures of a very far along gravid female Jackson's

Chameleons are sensitive to changes and they do take time to adjust to new surroundings.
You just got these chams, so they are adjusting.
The fact that they eat and drink is very good.

Please buy, borrow or make another enclosure for her without further delay, so she can be separate from the male, so that her stress is minimal.
Constant stress in chams, just like it is for humans, can lead to illness.

Look at my avatar. That is a male Jackson's showing his stress colors.
Why? Because he did not like the camera flash.

You can post pictures by following these instructions

You can post clear close up pictures of your chameleons and also post pictures of their enclosure(s).

It would be best for your chams and yourself if you review all of the info on the Jackson's care page to ensure that all is the way they need it to be.

There is plenty of info in that area of the website, such as FAQs, enclosures, health and more
Here is a link to the FAQs in resources section, accessed from forum pages by clicking on the Resources tab near the top of the page:
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Here's The Picture, That's Wierd There's Only One I Attached A lot Of Them


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So She Is Pregnant? :eek:??? I'll Try To Get Another Enclousure, Question Wen The Mother Has Her Clutch Of Newborns I Know I must Sepparate Them But Do They Need A Screen Enclousure Like The One The Mothers In Or Is It Ok To Put Them In A Glass One??
I'll Try To Get Another Enclosure,
Please don't delay this.
She is clearly unhappy being in with him and the stress will make her ill.
How do I know she is unhappy?
1) She is eager to get out of the cage.
2)She is active when out of the cage.
3)Gravid females are very unhappy when trapped in an enclosed area with a male who always wants to mate, so she is always defending herself against him and has no way to get away from him.

That's extremely stressful and only you can help her.

Experienced chameleon keepers have all learned the lesson that preventing problems is far cheaper than trying to cure them.

Maybe the person you got the chams from has a cage they're not using and will give it to you or sell it cheaply, if new cages are too much for you at the moment.
Craig's list also is another resource.

Be sure to thoroughly clean and rinse any used cage before putting your cham in it.

Plenty of people do make their own cages and you can read about that here.
Wen The Mother Has Her Clutch Of Newborns I Know I must Sepparate Them But Do They Need A Screen Enclousure Like The One The Mothers In Or Is It Ok To Put Them In A Glass One??

I have found glass terraria designed for reptiles---NOT fishtanks---to be good.
Fishtanks don't have good airflow, which is why they aren't used for adult chams either( the chams get sick).
I can tell you what has worked for me, so please read my reply in this thread:
Just because a respiratory infection CAN cause gaping it does not mean that that IS the cause.
As I said earlier, she may be gaping to tell you to go away or she may be too warm.
What is the temperature in her cage and what is the temperature on the branch where she is basking?

Also, a chameleon who is eager to get out of an enclosure where she lives with another chameleon is telling you in the only way she can that she needs to be in her own enclosure, alone.

White deposits around the nostrils are not a cause for concern. They are typically just excess minerals and there is no reason to change anything.
It can also be that he is beginning a shed, which is something normal that all chameleons do from time to time.

The signs of pregnancy in Jackson's are color change, steadily gaining weight and acting defensive.
That does not mean that a color change and defensive behavior are absolute indications of pregnancy.
When chameleons are stressed, they change to a stress coloration.

When you use the forum search feature you can find very helpful past posts like this one which has pictures of a very far along gravid female Jackson's

Chameleons are sensitive to changes and they do take time to adjust to new surroundings.
You just got these chams, so they are adjusting.
The fact that they eat and drink is very good.

Please buy, borrow or make another enclosure for her without further delay, so she can be separate from the male, so that her stress is minimal.
Constant stress in chams, just like it is for humans, can lead to illness.

Look at my avatar. That is a male Jackson's showing his stress colors.
Why? Because he did not like the camera flash.

You can post pictures by following these instructions

You can post clear close up pictures of your chameleons and also post pictures of their enclosure(s).

It would be best for your chams and yourself if you review all of the info on the Jackson's care page to ensure that all is the way they need it to be.

There is plenty of info in that area of the website, such as FAQs, enclosures, health and more
Here is a link to the FAQs in resources section, accessed from forum pages by clicking on the Resources tab near the top of the page:

She Had 8 Offspring Can You Tell Me What They Need?

Oops I Mean Nine Of Them Here's A Picture, They Were Just Born, If Anyone Knows Anything Please Tell Me


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