
I was just going to post that the gaping could mean the birth was imminent and I read the post about the birth.....congrats! Good luck with the babies.
First thing to do is to get them away from any adult cham. Even the mom will eat the babies.

Here is some good info for you.
This setup and care has worked very well for me.
First, separate them from mom. She will eat them if you don't.
I've successfully raised many babies in a glass terrarium NOT an aquarium.
This is the one I've used. It is 18' wide 18" deep and 24" tall:
I put in live plants, line the bottom with paper towels for easy cleaning and stuck about 30 bamboo shish kabob skewers into the foam background to enable the babies to move about easily and as horizontal perches for basking.
Use an already used Reptisun 5.0 bulb to provide the UV and heat. No basking lamp needed in this setup.
Use a long tube bulb rather than a coil type compact one.
Normal room temps in the 70s are good and avoid drafty areas (like ac outputs, fans, etc.) or hotter areas of the house or window areas where the temps or humidity will get too high/low.
You could use a new Reptisun 2.0 instead if you don't have an old bulb.
Babies need somewhat cooler temps than the older chams do.
You absolutely must mist the babies several times each day . 3 times each day was typically what I did and you have to mist for several minutes to ensure that they actually drink.
I used a very fine mist from a Home Depot brand spray bottle.
Food should be present at all times.
An accurate humidity and temperature gauge is essential.
Keep the enclosure above 60% humidity without keeping it wet all the time.
When feeding them fruit flies--as you should for the first month--you can stick a piece or fruit onto 1 or 2 skewers, so the flies are eating something--and make easier targets hanging around the fruit.
Josh's Frogs has excellent 32 ounce producing Hydei FF cultures and even 3 chams will eat a great number of flightless fruit flies.
Their FF medium is nutritious, so the flies provide good nutrition.
After a month or so, I added extra small Phoenix worms, tiny superworms and extremely small crickets to their diet but fruit flies were a staple for a few months.
Other people have done things differently but this has worked very well for me

We'll This Is The Problem The Male Passed Away An She Has His Cage And I Don't Have A Terrarium For Them I've Put Friut Flys Haven't Seen Them Eat I've Seen Them Try But Haven't Catched Some, Also I Need A New Sprayer, I've seen That Some Of Them Puff Up Open Their Mouth Wen Another Baby Comes Near Them, Also I Saw That One Was Biting On A Chams Leg, I Took It Away From The Other One, Also I Havent Seen The Mom Trying To Eat Them But It Worries Me Still.

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We'll This Is The Problem The Male Passed Away An She Has His Cage And I Don't Have A Terrarium For Them I've Put Friut Flys Haven't Seen Them Eat I've Seen Them Try But Haven't Catched Some, Also I Need A New Sprayer, I've seen That Some Of Them Puff Up Open Their Mouth Wen Another Baby Comes Near Them, Also I Saw That One Was Biting On A Chams Leg, I Took It Away From The Other One, Also I Havent Seen The Mom Trying To Eat Them But It Worries Me Still.

Here's A Picture
I want to help but you have to be willing to do the things the babies need without delay.
You can't expect them to miraculously survive, they're babies in captivity and they need care.
If you're not an adult, then please ask your mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandparent,older sister or brother for help right away.

Either go out tonight or first thing in the morning and buy a sprayer AND get or make a new enclosure for the babies OR prepare to watch them all get eaten or die over the next few days.
There's no substitutes for food, water and shelter.

If they're biting each other it is because of hunger.
Babies need a constant supply of flightless fruit flies.
A piece of fruit in their enclosure will attract the fruit flies and makes it easier for the babies to catch them.

They must have have enough humidity and be able to drink as much as they need or else they will first become discoordinated and unable to catch food and then they'll die.
Very sad but true.

You can use a plastic bin to keep them in, if you can't get a terrarium.
Read this for ideas
Even a bin with an open top and something to stand on is better than keeping them with their mom.

If you can't take care of them, hopefully you know someone who can.
Better to give them away to someone who can and will care for them rather than watch them pass from hunger and thirst.
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