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  • It's been a long time since I last posted an update. The move went well, but it turned out to be a 15-hour drive from California to Washington. And since I've been up here, I've had to move 2 additional times 😤

    The first landlord wanted to sell his property after 3 months into the lease. He gave me some money to break the lease, so I moved out.
    Then the next place gave my housemates and me an allergic reaction (thinking mold or something). So after two weeks, my housemates and I decided the situation was unlivable, so we broke that lease and moved again. This new place is actually a lot nicer than the last two places 🙏
    I'm so tired of's a lot of work and takes tons of time. Finding a new place is pretty stressful and takes up a lot of time after work. But now I think I can finally relax. And I've got a new chameleon project on the way. I also found a pygmy chameleon egg the other day in one of my female enclosures (fingers crossed).
    So sorry that you’ve had such a hard time finding a stable place to live. Hoping your current place is nice and reliable. I’ll be looking forward to future posts about your projects. 💗
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    I'm moving to Washington state tomorrow and it's likely going to be a 13 hour drive...with chameleons...wish me luck! I'll package them up into a cooler (that's well-insulated) to keep them warm enough. They'll be up in the cabin of the U-Haul with me.
    Rough day. Took my male willsii to the vet, and I don't think he handled it well. I'll give a status update tomorrow. The only thing I could do after the visit was edit the video for the contest. The vet didn't do anything wrong, but I fear I waited too long. That, and I moved him into a larger cage a few days ago and he now refuses to eat and seems like he’s shutting down.
    Just a friendly reminder to get clay balls/hydroballs/leca at hydroponic stores rather than from online reptile suppliers. It's waaaaaay cheaper (close to 50% cheaper). Using it for my bioactive enclosures.
    I had to buy mine on line. I looked and there aren’t any hydroponics stores in my area. Garden centers I asked about clay balls had none.
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    I live in California where everyone wants to grow weed, so I suppose that's why there are so many hydroponic stores nearby. I guess I just took my nearest hydroponic store for granted lol
    This semester is almost over! And it's my last! Soon I will be a free man! Also, I just got a Uroplatus phantasticus! So I have also been busy setting up the cage--which turned out pretty well!
    I have had some of the bigger toads Rococo, Cane but never the Giant Japanese (which I would get if they came available). The YSCT is very cool but was also a learning experience. When they are small they climb and jumped (didn't know they jumped). They would climb on branches but not sure if they would jump from branch to branch.
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    Dang, those are some big toads!! Never heard of the Rococo or Giant Japanese toad before, but I just looked them up--massive lol! Do your YSCT still climb branches? Also, what is their temperature range?
    I live off the 210 and 15 area . Most of the time room temp is between 68 and 80. In late november I add a heat bulb and small under tank heater under the water area. temp will be in the mid 70's and ground temp of 85.
    The Asian River Toad is also a BIG one on Faunaclassified. Little high but soon will lower in price. (y)
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    Nice and enjoy there are amphibian people here too.. I was going to get into the different Atelops but decided to go with the Yellow Spotted Climbing toads from Josh's (or came from his group via different vender).
    1- Female 2. male 3. Female size


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    Holy Cow!!!!! Those yellow-spotted climbing toads are gorgeous!! By the looks of it, they get a pretty good size! I've been thinking about getting a larger toad someday soon. These guys will definitely be on the list of potential candidates! Besides the Atelopus genus, and now these climbing toads, I've always wanted to get a smooth-sided toad.
    How arboreal are your yellow-spotted climbing toads? Will they climb branches? Or just rockscapes?
    Very nice collection you've got going there.

    I'll make sure to look into it, thanks! I just dropped ALOT of money on new glass enclosures. Worth it for my animals but damn if I can save some money I will.
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    Thank you!

    I know how you feel! The leap habitats are still not cheap (even if they are cheaper than glass), and if you want the uvb lighting, LEDs, etc that they also sell, it will be a large expense no matter what. The hobby is very expensive and draining me dry! 😭:ROFLMAO:
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    Oh yes I know it'll never be cheap.. almost nothing thats worth something in this hobby is, but I'll save whatever I can.

    I've got an idea of animals I plan to get in the coming years, but currently my wallet has the say in whether that will happen. So expensive 😭 Just have to see how it goes. I would never get something on impulse that I cant upkeep. Gotta be responsible, gotta be responsible...
    Today's the day that I finally feel enthused about chameleons! I am now a chameleon enthusiast! Looks like those who are enthused by chameleons are accepting pretty much everyone these I right?!

    Tips for becoming a chameleon enthusiast:
    --Ignore the demonic urge to help people, it takes too much time. For a fraction of the effort, sling a one-liner joke for reaction points.
    --MBD?! Make a joke about it!
    Nothing like going away for a week and then coming back to soaking wet carpet...😩

    My AC unit's reservoir doesn't need to be emptied daily (or at all) unless outside temps spike over 95 degrees. Of course, the one week that I'm gone, the temps skyrocketed to over 100F. Forgot to tell my mom to empty it since the weather here has been cool enough where the bucket has not needed to be emptied.
    Oh, and I'm back! I should be able to get on the forums more often with my final exams being over.
    You dont have a unit that drains outside or stops when it's full lol?
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    Nope, I just have a 5-gallon bucket that it drains into. But I think your right, I should probably get a pump to drain it outside. Spent the last two days straight drying up my room--never want to repeat that. My room also smelled pretty musty and gross, I'm surprised my mom didn't notice. But then again, she never enters my room so she wouldn't know if the room smelled great or not
    I'm assuming that nobody misses me 😭, but for the off-chance that someone does, I have been super busy with college again. I'm grateful for members such as @ERKleRose, @Beman, @kinyonga, and @JacksJill (among others) who are constantly helping other members day in and day out with their questions and concerns. Amazing job!
    [4/5] I understand that it will be hard to compete against big named stores that can easily cut prices by letting their husbandry slip into borderline animal abuse. I don't know if this idea will ever see the light of day, but I'll definitely try to make it happen. Though, right out of college, I plan to grab any job that I can land in any industry. That way I can have some form of stability.
    [5/5] Pet stores are a big problem, there has got to be a solution. My dream is to have ethical pet stores that sincerely care about their animals before and after the sale.

    I'm taking an entrepreneurship class at the moment. Hopefully, I can learn a thing or two.
    Good on you! Best of success! 👍🏻💖
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