Recent content by .Luke.

  1. .Luke.

    Heat Bulb

  2. .Luke.

    2 month old Panther not eating!!! Please help

    What are you feeding?
  3. .Luke.

    Temps and humidity

    It doesn’t seem to bad this could help with the basking spot heat if you need it
  4. .Luke.

    Staying at basking spot and darker then usual

    this could help
  5. .Luke.

    Heat Bulb

    I wouldn’t recommend a blue light you could just use the right wattage in an eco smart house bulb this could help
  6. .Luke.


    5-6 months? Idk don’t listen to me
  7. .Luke.

    New uvb?

    That is a good size and if your not already you can put it diagonal across the cage for more UVB
  8. .Luke.

    I love her changes.

    Cute dog to 😂
  9. .Luke.

    I love her changes.

    Beautiful veiled (y)
  10. .Luke.

    Does the dropper stay on 24/7

    Thanks for the help
  11. .Luke.

    New owner: Chameleon is gaping on basking spot

    And compact UVB are not good you need t5 linear ho 5 UVB
  12. .Luke.

    Jango Eye Problem

    I would go to a vet to see what they could do. Did he hit it on anything?
  13. .Luke.

    7-Month-Old Jackson Chameleon Closing Eyes, Very Lethargic

    I would go to a vet to see what they could do
  14. .Luke.

    New owner: Chameleon is gaping on basking spot

    And that hammock is not meant for a chameleon they can get there nails stuck in it
  15. .Luke.

    New owner: Chameleon is gaping on basking spot

    It looks like you need more branches and plants and I would take out that hard plant because they can get impaction if you got a fake plant get a silk one
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