Heat Bulb


My ZooMed Daylight Blue Reptile Bulb just died after using it for two months and I need to get another heat bulb for my enclosure now. Do chameleons need this specific reptile bulb, or could I use a regular heat bulb that would work in my fixture? The ZooMed Daylight Blue Reptile Bulb at Petco are double the price of a normal heat bulb that i could get at Home Depot.
From what I seen those bulbs haven't great reviews. I would stick with white bulbs not coloured imo either household (but I do like my halogens) my favourite is the arcadia


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I wouldn’t recommend a blue light you could just use the right wattage in an eco smart house bulb this could help
I wouldn’t recommend a blue light you could just use the right wattage in an eco smart house bulb this could help

The blue heat bulbs are fine to use... And an eco smart means LED which means very low heat output. So that is not what we want to use for chams basking spots.
That's what I thought, but apparently (though I've never seen them in person) they DO make incandescents.
IDK how much heat they put out, but my guess would be not as much as an old-style.
They don't put out the same heat levels they are reduced output in wattage. You were right the first time.
And if you google eco light bulbs you pull mostly LED so that would then lead others to believe that it is the LED that they would use... Little bit of wrong info can mess up a lot of people.
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