Recent content by mkeBob

  1. mkeBob

    Chameleon Identification

    Best place to go is the Resources section at the top of the page and read, read, read. Also, see the care sheet for Yeiled chameleon and read more.
  2. mkeBob

    Help Me!

    People, slow down, your giving the OP info that may not be correct. First, the OP should probably purchase a 24" fixture which will use 22" tubes and will be needed when upgrading to 48" tall cage. Second, should probably be a two or four tube fixture. One tube being for UVI 5, 6, 10 or 12% and...
  3. mkeBob

    "Baby Bananas"

    Just what we all need in our diets. MORE SUGAR
  4. mkeBob

    When/How Much does your Chameleon Bask?

    My Carpets are in 18L x 18W x 24H inch Exo-Terra's. Room lights come on at 7AM, 24" T5HO duals, 1 6500k and 1 UVB tubes, and basking lights, dimmer controlled, come on about ten minutes later. My temps are max 80F at basking and drop to 76F about 6" lower. Bottom is usually in low 70's, room...
  5. mkeBob

    Basking help

    The simple way would be to purchase a temp gun, 10-15 dollars on ebay or amazon. Then you can shoot the temp right on your cams back.
  6. mkeBob

    Cham ate shed

    Normal, won't hurt her.
  7. mkeBob

    What age do female panthers become receptive?

    Slight stress colors. Add lay bin anytime after six months. Great picture BTW.
  8. mkeBob

    Air plant bloom question(s)...

    I've just started playing around with air plants too. I found help @ Hope this helps all interested.
  9. mkeBob

    What does this color mean?

    Check the hind feet of your chameleon. If they have a spur on the back of the feet you have a male. If not you may want to change the spelling of Danny.
  10. mkeBob

    Is our Approach to Naturalistic Humidity Correct?

    Basking lights out time depends when your chameleons eat. They require the extra warmth to aid digestion.
  11. mkeBob

    Update on my little bike trail Cham.

    He's definitely dehydrated. You can tell by the way his eyes are sunken in. Like Brody said you can't tell age after they have become a few years old. Your cham is fully matured. You need live plants for more cover so he can get out of the sun when he wants, more misting and a dripper in that...
  12. mkeBob

    Gargoyle Gecko activity should give you the answers to all of your questions.
  13. mkeBob

    3 of my male T. hoehnelii today.

    What is the actual size of these boys? They look larger then my F. lateralis. Also, what is the name of the background plant in the first picture.
  14. mkeBob

    Furcifer willsii

    Congratulations. Great to see pictures other then veiled and panther. Hope you keep the line going.
  15. mkeBob

    Etosha Christmas gift

    Many youngsters talented in painting or pen and ink also become talented in other arenas such as music. Don't push her, she will find her way with your help.
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