Thanks for the link. I'll keep trying different greens and add some fruits/veggies and see if she's interested. As for they eat the plants if their not fed well..I don't think that's the case for my Cham at least. She eats like a pig! Picky eater though..I can only get her to eat crickets...
This plant consumption is fairly new for my female Cham. I've had her for almost three months now. The first 2 months she didn't touch any of the live plants. I added some petunias a few weeks ago and she immediately starting chowing lol...needless to say those didn't last long. Now she munches...
She is doing great! Bit of a picky eater but growing well. She just finished her 3rd shed with me! She is somewhere around 3 to 4 months now. Been in my care for 2 1/2 months. She is still a bit timid but I'm working on hand feeding with her.
So I just added a few new plants to my young female veiled's enclosure. All from the safe list. She's been munching them like crazy, cosmos and petunia in particular. Is this something to worry about? Is it beneficial? Is there such thing as too much plants in her diet?
So I grabbed a couple new plants for my veiled. Just wanna make sure they are all safe for her before I add them to her enclosure. She does like to nibble on the plants she already has. This is what I bought:
This is my young female veiled. She's been in my care for 2 months. She has grown quite a bit. She has shed twice. The most recent being yesterday. The pet store I got her from had no idea how old she was. Any ideas guys? My guess would be she's roughly 3 or so months, but I really have no idea.
It does look rather uncomfortable but it's the 3rd night in a row on the same leaf, same position. She's just a weirdo :). A weirdo without a name yet...
The weather in my area has been brutal these last few days, up in the lower to mid 90's. I have a baby veiled between 2 and 3 months old. Her cage has been getting pretty hot..peaked at 94 yesterday. I've had her basking light off and I have a fan in the room she is in, and I've been misting...
I have a young female veiled, around 2 months. Her normal/resting colors are a light tan with some brown and a little bit of green. She turns more green with yellow dots when shes hunting. Her stressed colors are a much darker brown, with white and black patterns. When she sleeps she's a lime...