Colours of veileds


New Member
Hey guys I have just bought a male veiled chameleon who is a little bit different. His calm colours are browns,oranges and white and when he's fired up it can ba browns,greens, oranges, white yellows and blue of various combinations and can be very fast switches between them.

I bought him due to his amazing unique colours, has anyone every seen these colours or a range where green is far from a dominant colour?


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Usually brown and white are NOT good colors.. it means his temperatures are wrong and he is trying to absorb more light.

If this is not the case, you have a weird colored chameleon :)

But if it is the case.. What is the basking temp?
I thought that to but his basking temp is 84-87ish. I thought it might be that but for his age 4-5 I've read it's around the right temp. But he was these colours in the shop as well and the guy said it was a different phase. I got him for his colours because he is amazing ill yet getting a fires up one. But I've never seen these colours in a veiled.
Brown does not necessarily always mean they are trying to absorb the heat. Your basking temp sounds fine and it might just be the way he is colored. I have seen some brownish colored veilds before. Not very common, but I don't think you have anything to worry about.
I have a young female veiled, around 2 months. Her normal/resting colors are a light tan with some brown and a little bit of green. She turns more green with yellow dots when shes hunting. Her stressed colors are a much darker brown, with white and black patterns. When she sleeps she's a lime green with yellow dots.
Be careful. It usually means the UVA-UVB on them is wrong. Had the same problems with our male mordecai a veiled about 3-4 years old. He was also very very underweight. With the right lighting and correct lifestyle he has gained over 75 grams in our care and has brightened up a lot! :)
I have a repti-glo 5.0 UVB bulb with a hood along with a 60watt heat bulb in seperate fixture. Both only a month old. This is correct setup right?
I have the same as Nicole a reptiglow 5.0 in a hood with a 50 watt basking spot in a different spot. I wasn't overly worried about his colours I was curious if this was common as I've never seen of heard of these colours on the net or in books. But he's eating like a trooper, a little shy at the moment but I've only had him 8 days so he's got A little bit of settling in to do.
If you're sure your temperatures are OK, I wouldn't worry. I have two male veiled. One is the "typical" green with yellow and blue, but the other is very brown like yours. They both have the same light bulbs and similar temps.

We see veileds that are high yellow, turquoise, and translucent, why not brown? He may also just be a bit stressed being in a new home. But I think its possible that's just his natural color. My "brownie" has been with me for about 6 months and sometimes goes greenish, but is much darker and browner than my other guy.
Jake's resting colors are light brown with a bit of green as well. I wondered if he was warm enough but the temps are within the correct parameters, I use a 5.0 repitglo bulb and a 100w basking bulb. When he gets to go outside and "play", he turns green with yellow bars
This can be an indicator that the uv bulb needs replacing. I use at least a 10.0 on my veileds and usually use the 12% Arcadia T5 bulbs on them with no problems. I aim to have my male veiled basking spots at about 90f.
i spoke to the vet today when i was there this morning. apparrently its not a common colour and that your lucky to have found him and that he could be a result of purer possibly piebald breeding origins. not sure how it works but she breeds veileds, parsons and jacksons and is the reptile vet for the local zoo and wildlife park.

tbh im just glad hes healthy
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