Recent content by skyorion

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    soon to be new cham mom

    Hello Often the causes of mortality in infancy is often a chameleon or a poor maintenance at the pet store or breeder The chameleon is not that complicated, but just to have a good knowledge of the requirements of postures such as food, housing, the temperature, the humidity. hydration which is...
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    Does anyone use a liqued multivitamin?

    Hello All this to say that I think a lot of healthy animals in the wild would have had food and I believe in large part to the bees as we know contains a whole pannel defensive molecules that make their own medicine (propolis, honey, royal jelly)
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    Does anyone use a liqued multivitamin?

    Hello if want to avoid problems seen Nutritional we must gutloader crickets or grasshoppers with milk powder, infant cereal, pollen, orange. herbaceous twigs, can avoid many of the problems of nutrient deficiencies, unlike the determination of vitamin powder cordially
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    Keeping one eye closed...

    Hello He keeps a close eye what type of plant you have in your terrarium can be sap. but the light is what you put a Halogen bulb? it will be too strong and it can burn the retina of his eye
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    Good day Yes rudis, brookesia,rampholeon, jacksonnii, flapneck Each need a specific habitat
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    reptisun 5.0 find not

    Hello . I'm a question please if I find not of Reptisun 5.0, i can use reptiglo 10.0 ? Thank-you and have a good day
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    Dying in my hand this second..

    Goodday I sorry for you, but the animals took in nature are not to live in captivity
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    Powersun 100w

    Goodday The lamp megaray its a twenty thumbs of the hot point. Its that ok ? Thanks
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    Powersun 100w

    Godday I'M a question. Megaray HQL mercure vapor as powersun ? I build a vivarium four feet for one furcifer pardalis and i want to use lamp megaray 100 watt uva uvb HQL. Is that recommanded this lamp or not recommanded ? Thanks
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