Recent content by SuperFastSlug

  1. SuperFastSlug

    Sense of smell

    Actually, could u post the one on hearing? I'm actually pretty interested in finding out about this stuff lol
  2. SuperFastSlug

    Tongue Issue

    Agreed. Reading all these old threads really helps me out, so I'm glad these are popping up!
  3. SuperFastSlug

    Veiled chameleon drinking from water bowl

    As long as you change the water daily, I don't see a problem. Just make sure the bowl is nice and clean every day, and you should be good!
  4. SuperFastSlug

    More darkness at night?

    That could work. Or you could just use Lazy Boy's method and just pull the blanket off before you go to bed. Still a little risky though because if you forgot about it then it could cause issues. I'm honestly not sure because I've never had to do that with my chameleon. He's a really deep...
  5. SuperFastSlug

    More darkness at night?

    Haha mine sleeps like a passed out drunk so I never really have to worry about it lol.
  6. SuperFastSlug

    Weeping fig too large

    Thanks for the replies guys! And I'll start looking into that. Right now I got a 100 powersun and a 26 watt solar glo.
  7. SuperFastSlug

    Weeping fig too large

    here it is! I did have to trim it pretty well off the top to give oscar some room to move around and bask up there. Before it would all just press up against the top of the screen. And thanks for the advice I'll keep that in mind! Sorry if this was a dumb question btw, as I stated previously I...
  8. SuperFastSlug

    Weeping fig too large

    Nvm problem fixed
  9. SuperFastSlug

    White streak under chameleon

    I'm not quite sure. I've never had a Jackson's chameleon but I have noticed my veiled slowly acquiring new spots, stripes and colors as he aged so I'd assume that's probably what's happening to your Jackson's.
  10. SuperFastSlug

    Weeping fig too large

    Hey guys. I've had my chameleon for almost a year now, but my enclosure has basically just died. My ficus just started dying and I couldn't bring it back, as I really don't have a green thumb. So I went out and got a new weeping fig, however, I was dumb and got one that ended up being to big. It...
  11. SuperFastSlug

    Help with very aggresive 9 month old male Veiled

    Veiled chameleons in general are just really aggressive. Some do tolerate handling very well, others, not so much. You could try, as others said, to offer him treats with your hand so that he may start associating your hand with food, but I've tried that with my chameleon and it doesn't change a...
  12. SuperFastSlug

    Possible dehydration?

    ok thanks for the replies. this is my first chameleon so i just wanted to make sure haha
  13. SuperFastSlug

    Possible dehydration?

    Sorry, this might be kind of a dumb question, but does my chameleon look dehydrated? His eye almost looks kind of sunken, but i cant tell. Other than this, he seems just fine. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
  14. SuperFastSlug

    Turquoise veiled chameleon

    Im not sure if they're a distinct color morph. I bought my veiled when he was pretty young, and now he has a good amount of turquoise on him. You could just search for adult males and look for a turquoise one.
  15. SuperFastSlug

    Chameleon sleeping too early?

    My lights typically turn off at 5:30. And yeah, everything else seems to be normal. Thanks for the help!
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